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与 特罗尔 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

While we were in this condition, the men yet labouring the oar to bring the boat near the shore, we could see then our boat mounting the waves, we were able to see the shore, a great many people running along the shore to assist us when we should come near, but we made but slow way towards the shore, nor were we able to reach the shore, till being past the light-house at Winterton, the shore falls off to the westward towards Cromer, and so the land broke off a little the violence of the wind: Here we got in, and though not without much difficulty got all safe on shore and walked afterwards on foot to Yarmouth, where, as unfortunate men, we were used with great humanity as well by the magistrates of the town, who assigned us good quarters, as by particular merchants and owners of ships, and had money given us sufficient to carry us either to London or back to Hull, as we thought fit.


While we were in this Condition, the Men yet labouring the Oar to bring the Boat near the Shore, we could see, hen our Boat mounting the Waves, we were able to see the Shore, a great many People running along the Shore to assist us when we should come near, but we made but slow way towards the Shore, nor were we able to reach the Shore, till being past the Light-House at Winterton, the Shore falls off to the Westward towards Cromer, and so the Land broke off a little the Violence of the Wind: Here we got in, and tho' not without much Difficulty got all safe on Shore and walk'd afterwards on Foot to Yarmouth, where, as unfortunate Men, we were used with great Humanity as well by the Magistrates of the Town, who assign'd us good Quarters, as by particular Merchants and Owners of Ships, and had Money given us sufficient to carry us either to London or back to Hull, as we thought fit.


AC Cochrane, Reformed Confessions of the Sixteenth Century; BJ Kidd, Documents Illustrative of the Continental Reformation; HJ Hillerbrand, The Reformation in Its Own Words; HA Oberman, Forerunners of the Reformation: The Shape of Late Medieval Thought; W Cunningham, The Reformers and the Theology of the Reformation; BMG Reardon, Religious Thought in the Reformation; H Strohl, La pensee de la Reforme; GW Bromiley, Historical Theology: An Introduction; H Cunliffe - Jones, ed., A History of Christian Doctrine; S Ozment, The Age of Reform, 1250 - 1550; HJ Grimm, The Reformation Era 1500 - 1650; AG Dickens, The English Reformation; IB Cowan, The Scottish Reformation; GH Williams, The Radical Reformation; FH Littell, The Anabaptist View of the Church; GF Hershberger, ed., The Recovery of the Anabaptist Vision; PE Hughes, The Theology of the English Reformers; PDL Avis, The Church in the Theology of the Reformers.

交流的Cochrane ,改革的供词十六世纪;北京基德的文件,说明了大陆改革; hj hillerbrand ,改革在其自己的话;公顷oberman ,先行者的改革:形状中世纪晚期思想;瓦特坎宁安,改革者和神学的改革; BMG公司里尔顿,宗教思想,在改革; h strohl ,香格里拉pensee德香格里拉reforme ;毛重罗米立,历史神学:导言; h cunliffe -琼斯,教育署,历史的基督教教义; s o zment ,年龄的改革, 1250 -1 550; h j格里姆,改革的时代, 1 500- 16 50;银狄更斯,英语改革;兴业Co wan先生,苏格兰改造;生长激素威廉斯,激进改革;l i ttell跳频,再洗礼派的看法,教会;绿hershberger ,教育署,经济复苏的再洗礼派的远景;体育休斯,神学的英语改革者;牙周膜使用条款,教会在神学的改革者。

Central texts will include Shakespeare's Othello, Antony and Cleopatra, Cymbeline , and The Winter's Tale , and Woolf's A Room of One's Own , Mrs.

主要的文本将包括莎士比亚的《奥赛罗》、《安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉》、《辛白林》(译注:又译作《还璧记》)、《冬天的故事》(The Winter's Tale),以及吴尔芙的《自己的房间》(A Room of One's Own)、《戴洛维夫人》

It is neither the separation between the mail and femail, nor the district dividing line between day clothing and the evening wear.his special style,bardian hue and the cultural conflict and communication brought up the dandyism which made him thought the most affective fashion designer in the early 1980s.in 1975,he successfully held his first fashionable issue show,whose revolutionary design opinion made a great contribution to the Milan to become a new fad city.non-liner and stink design of frame and lines,not stickto formal or inforaml fig and the natural colors completely got rid of the popular hippie style in the 1960s.with simple contour and loose lines changed the traditional mail endure and cabined style ,its crape grain coat was the rage.three months later,because of the contract of man fashion ,woman fashion fetched to heel,which adopted traditional man suuff,showing the stongly neutral style.


One morning it came to pass that M. Gillenormand spoke slightingly of the Convention, apropos of a newspaper which had fallen into his hands, and gave vent to a Royalist harangue on Danton, Saint-Juste and Robespierre.--


Detroit's Ronnie Wiseman constructed a skillful 11-5 triumph over Darin Brewer, and Jeremy Hart defeated Kendal Koch on the hill to stay on the east side of the bracket as well.


Former world 9-ball champion Thorsten Hohmann will play strong breaker Lee Holt, while last year's fourth-place Open finisher Robb Saez tackles Canadian dazzler Tyler Edey, the winners advancing to play each other in the fourth round.

前世界九球冠军,国选手霍曼将发挥强大的断路器李霍尔特,而去年的第四位开放的终结者罗伯saez铲球加拿大dazzler泰勒edey ,得奖者与时俱进,发挥对方在第四轮。

Stuart Matthewman plays guitar and saxophone, Andrew Hale plays keyboards and Paul Denman plays bass.


This Turner and Devereux publication is reviewed by Dana J. Blackwell in the Bulletin of the National Association of Watch and Clock Collectors, Vol.


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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
