英语人>网络例句>特罗尔 相关的搜索结果


与 特罗尔 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the US anti-WTO forces include the likes of Ross Perot, the maverick 1992 presidential candidate; the consumer advocate Ralph Nader; the ultraconservative senator Jesse Helms; and environment activists from groups such as Greenpeace USA and the Sierra Club.

在美国,反世界贸易组织势力包括诸如一向我行我素的 1992 年总统候选人罗斯派罗特;消费倡导者拉尔夫耐达尔;极端保守派参议员杰西海尔姆斯;以及来自诸如美国绿色和平组织和西尔拉俱乐部等组织的环境保护积极分子。

Examples of possible leadership, focusing on countries that are not part of the group of eight industrialised nations (this need not be a requirement, provided the individual has a strong international perspective), include: Montek Singh Ahluwalia; Leszek Balcerowicz; Kemal Dervis; Francisco Gil Diaz; Stanley Fischer; and Trevor Manuel.


By Hadrian he was given in adoption to Aurelius,13 when Hadrian, making abundant provision for the succession, wished to make Pius his son and Marcus his grandson; and he was given on the condition that he should espouse the daughter of Pius.14 She was later given to Marcus, however, as we have related in his life,15 because Verus seemed too much her junior in years, while Verus took to wife Marcus' daughter Lucilla.16 He was reared in the House of Tiberius,17 and received instruction from the Latin grammarian Scaurinus (the son of the Scaurus18 who had been Hadrian's teacher in grammar), the Greeks Telephus, Hephaestio, Harpocratio, the rhetoricians Apollonius, Caninius Celer,19 Herodes Atticus, and the Latin Cornelius Fronto, his teachers in philosophy being Apollonius20 and Sextus.21 For all of these he cherished a deep affection, and in return he was beloved by them, and this despite his lack of natural gifts in literary studies.


There are several types of linen to choose from like Belfast , Ca sh el , Betsy Ross , Chester, Cork , Country French , Dublin , Edinburgh , Glasgow, Graziano, Hand Dyed , Hardanger, Pearl, Rosenstand, Silk, and Weaver.


T he re are several types of linen to choose from like Belfast , Cas he l , Betsy Ross , C he ster, Cork , Country French , Dublin , Edinburgh , Glasgow, Graziano, Hand Dyed , Hardanger, Pearl, Rosenstand, Silk, and Weaver.


Nb s p; There are s everal type s of linen to choo s e from like Belfa s t , Ca s hel , Bet s y Ro s s , Che s ter, Cork , Country French , Dublin , Edinburgh , Gla s gow, Graziano, Hand Dyed , Hardanger, Pearl, Ro s en s tand, Silk, and Weaver.


Rupert Grint's latest film Cherrybomb is definitely generating lots of buzz in Irish media. A few days ago we posted a snippet from an interview with Lisa Barros D'Sa, and today we have the entire Cherrybomb feature, courtesy of BBC Radio Ulster. The feature is a part of their Across The Line series, devoted to contemporary indie and underground dance music, presented by Rigsy and Paul Hamill. Their collaborator Keith Anderson talked to Cherrybomb directors Glenn Leyburn and Lisa Barros D'Sa about Rupert Grint and how he became involved with this project, but also about music used in the film, the Belfast setting and other things.

鲁珀特的新片《樱桃炸弹》毫无疑问引起了爱尔兰媒体的巨大关注,前两天我们曾经发布过一小段对该片导演之一丽莎巴罗斯德萨的采访片段,现在该次完整的采访已经由BBC广播电台阿尔斯特(爱尔兰一地区,分属爱尔兰和北爱尔兰)分部播出,这个采访是该电台的Across The Line 节目的一部分,这个节目致力于介绍时下的独立和地下舞曲音乐,由Rigsy和 Paul Hamill主持,他们的合作者Keith Anderson 与《樱桃炸弹》的两位导演格伦雷伯恩和丽莎巴罗斯德萨进行了谈论了鲁珀特格林特,以及他是如何参与到这部影片中来的,他们也谈到了影片中的音乐、用于拍摄的贝尔法斯特的各个场所以及其它一些事情。

Of course, part of it was that people in small towns weren't accustomed to seeing presidential candidates up close — places like Coatesville, Pennsylvania; Centralia, Illinois; Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin; Walnut Grove, California; Tyler, Texas; Valdosta, Georgia; and Elon, North Carolina.


Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry Effect of Different Cooking Methods on Color, Phytochemical Concentration, and Antioxidant Capacity of Raw and Frozen Brassica Vegetables Abstract Full Text HTML Hi-Res PDF[965 KB] PDF w/ Links[892 KB] Nicoletta Pellegrini*, Emma Chiavaro, Claudio Gardana§, Teresa Mazzeo, Daniele Contino§, Monica Gallo#, Patrizia Riso§, Vincenzo Fogliano# and Marisa Porrini§ Department of Public Health, University of Parma, via Volturno 39, 43125 Parma, Italy Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Parma, viale GP Usberti 181/A, 43124 Parma, Italy § Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari e Microbiologiche, sezione Nutrizione Umana Universit degli Studi di Milano, via Celoria 2, 20133 Milan, Italy # Department of Food Science, University of Napoli "Federico II", Parco Gussone, 80055 Portici, Napoli, Italy J.

农业化学与食品化学杂志对不同烹饪方法对颜色,植物化学浓度,及抗氧化能力的原料和冷冻甘蓝菜抽象全文网页高清晰度PDF格式[965 KB的] PDF格式瓦特/友情链接[892 KB的] 妮可佩莱格里尼*,艾玛基亚瓦罗,克劳迪奥加尔达纳§,特雷莎Mazzeo,丹尼尔蒂诺§,莫妮卡加洛#,帕特里齐亚公共卫生部,帕尔马大学,通过沃尔彻诺39,43125帕尔马,意大利工业工程,帕尔马是:Viale大奖赛乌斯贝蒂大学181 /年,43124帕尔马,意大利§ Dipartimento迪有关科学é Tecnologie Alimentari é Microbiologiche,sezione Nutrizione乌马纳大学德利阿布鲁史都迪迪米兰,通过西洛里亚2,20133米兰,意大利#食品科学系,那不勒斯&费德里科二&大学,Parco公司古索,80055波尔蒂奇,那不勒斯,意大利 j的农耕。

This title takes a close look at the formidable edifices on the French coast (Brest, Lorient, St Nazaire, La Pallice, Bordeaux) in Norway and Germany and also focuses on the huge 'Valentin' factory complex at Bremen, which manufactured the new type XXI electro-boats.

本书详细展示了位于法国海岸(Brest布雷斯特、Lorient罗连安特、St Nazaire圣纳扎尔、La Pallice拉帕利斯、Bordeaux波尔多)、挪威海岸(Bergen卑尔根、Trondheim特隆赫姆)、德国海岸(Keil基尔、Hamburg汉堡、Helgoland赫尔戈兰)的那些庞大的建筑,同时也为我们具体展现了位于不来梅的Valentin工厂(此工厂建造了XXI级柴电潜艇)。

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The good news is that after formatting from the command line to FAT32 (format /fs:fat32 /a:4096 drive:) all but one of the problematic games that I tested work perfectly.


In Amsterdam. He is a Dutch painter, draftsman, and etcher of the 17th century, the greatest artist of the Dutch school, a master of light and shadow whose paintings, drawings, and etchings made him a giant in the history of art.


Impulsively, she had married a man she thought she loved.
