英语人>网络例句>特征指标 相关的搜索结果


与 特征指标 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In order to characterize the geometric distribution of aggregate particle, many indexes are developed, such as perimeter, area and orientation of principal axis etc.


The basal diameter, height of aerial stem, leaf length at middle stem, leaf width at middle stem, internode length at middle stem, internodes number and panicle length of 30 plants from every population were recorded. The statistics of morphological characters showed that the distribution trends of the averages of morphological characters are similar among populations. However, the coefficients of variation within population of 7 morphological characters were very different. The CV of internodes was largest and the CV of height was smallest within population. F-statistics showed that the differences of all morphological characters among populations were significant (P.01). But the differences among populations were different between different groups. The cluster analysis proved that all populations could be divided into three types: salty reed, freshwater reed and giant reed.


On the basis of making it clear that laterization includes such three integrated stages as weathering, micro-granularity and soil formation of laterite, the thesis illuminates characteristics of Kunming laterite in chemical composition, physical mechanics, composition of granules, fractal dimension of granularity and the connection of granules. The experiment using soil reinforced agent to solidify the laterite shows that the mechanical traits of laterite have been improved because of its involvement, the best compact indicators and shear strength ones increased and the indicators of laterites penetrability and compression decreased. The effects of reinforcement can be weighed through its coefficient and the mechanism of reinforcement can find the explanation in the effect of soil reinforced agent on the laterite granules, the changes in the electric double layer caused by soil reinforced agent and its enwrapping of laterite granules.


Finally, the physical index and compression index of silty soil from Yangtze Basf project are divided to three groups according to depth, then characteristic statistic are calculated to physical and compression index of three groups and mechanical index of all depths. After that, normal distribution 、 logarithmic normal distribution and extreme I distribution are fitted for physical and mechanical indexes. And Goodness-of-fit testing with X~2 method is done subsequently.


Based on investigating the short and intermittent structural plane, surrounding rockmass of the huge underground powerhouse in Three Gorge has been divided into five statistical similar areas according to its characteristic of rockmass structure by applying structure plane network simulation. Distributed characteristic of structural plane has been studied and based on it mechanics macrocharacteristic has been studied:(1) It is the first time that based on the result of structural plane network simulation rockmass quality of every structure area has been studied with applying blurred information optimum seeking technique and be compared with and RQD method. The result indicated that it has better effect to evaluate rock quality with blurred information optimum seeking technique.(2) It is the first time that the interrelated relationship of the result of in-suit rockmass deformation test and fractal characteristic of structure on test point has been applied to determine rockmass deformation parameter. The question of evaluating deformation parameters of engineering rockmass has been solved.(3) Anisotropy strength parameters have been determined by applying shear zones simulating method. The result indicated that there are different strength parameters in every structural area, after comparing the result of Fast Lagranian Analysis in continua number simulation method with that of method of weighted mean according to continuity. The result indicated that when a suitable reduction coefficient is been considered rockmass strength parameters can be simply and fast determined with method of weighted mean according to continuity where there is not enough test result.(4) Damage characteristic has been studied based on analysis fractal characteristic of structural plane network by applying fractal-damage coupling method. It is the first time that the concept of damage degree has been set up to evaluate rockmass quality according to the biggest principal damage.


The content included (1) characterizing macropres shapes;(2) obtaining the index to charaterizing soil macropore quantificationally through digitalizing and analysising the photo of soil section;(3) comparing the shapes of macropores among soils, which reasons were discussed;(4) studying the influence of the zonal diversity, soil depth and land utilization on macropore characeristics;(5) estimating the space variability of macropore in the microscale using spore variability index;(6) analysising the connectivity and sinuosity of macropore using preferential flow breakthrough curve;(7) discussing the feasibility of indicating the preferential flow degree using macroporosity and macropore perimeter.


By designing three hierarchical factors of "corporate governance characteristics","medium agent characteristics" and "corporate basic characteristics", we applied a more integrated and systematic approach to study the influencing factors. Besides, our hierarchical regression analysis has more explanative effects.


While for some indexes,such as length of medial longitudinal arch,length of lateral longitudinal arch,height of first metatarsophalangeal articulations,there is no longer changing with increasing load after adapting to a relatively lighter load.There is marked difference on the foot shapes between different items youth track man,especially for the throwers.Finally,five dimensions of foot morphological characteristics were found to establish the foot-shape-index-system,which are respectively metatarsophalangeal index,heel index,ankle index,arch of foot index and length of foot index,including 15 items.


From the analysis of the magnetic susceptibility,TOC,TN,pigment,organic car-bon isotope ,HI,saturated hydrocarbon and 14C dating etc. of the sediment samples from coresof two boreholes in the Taihu lake,a knowledge of the evolution of paleoenvironment of thelake during the last 14ka is achieved. The results show that the lake has undergone the fol-lowing stages .. The Lake was at a low level ,or even became exposed during 14.3-13.3kaBP,reflecting an arid climate. There existed a transitional stage during 13.3-12.4kaBP,the climate being slightly warm and wet. There are indications of a cold and dry climate around 11.5kaBP,probably corresponding to the Younger Drays event ,comparable with other areas in east China.

本文根据东西太湖短柱岩芯的沉积物的物理、化学、生物指标的综合分析,讨论了该区距今14ka来的古气候变化过程,结果表明14.3-13.3kaBP,太湖水位低,环境指标甚至表现为暴露特征,反映了气候干旱:13.3-12.4kaBP,为偏暖湿的过渡阶段;该孔柱270-280cm(11.5kaBP左右)各类指标均明显更映冷干特征,可能是Younger Drays事件的记录,与我国东部其它地区有可比性;约10.9-10kaBP,这一时期是整个研究时段内一个较显著的温暖期。

RESULTS:① Forty items of psychological qualities were chosen from the 104 items by experts and categorized into 3 levels: personality, moral character and competence.② The mean scale values of each item were calculated on the 9004 questionnaires.③ 3 items with mean scale values less than 0.477 were eliminated in line with the 5 degree positive improtance multigrade fuzzy set.④ The rating model of psychological qualities in coherence of competency was established in 3 categories and on 3 levels for low ranking commanders.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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