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与 特征指标 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the light of field features in desertification areas, the data quality and band combination of different bands are assessed, the indicators, principles and methods for data assessment and band option are put forward to, and optional band combination for desertification monitoring is determined primarily. The data pre-treatment model for desertification monitoring is developed after studying the pre-treatment algorithm of restoration and rebuilding of hyperspectral resolution data. The spectral features and variation rules of different objects in experimental areas are understood and analyzed. The different classified methods are given and discussed on the basis of characteristics of desertification region. The remote sensing quantitative retrieval model for the appraisable factors of desertification monitoring are founded.


In order to study the relation of digestive tract and circumstances in Eothenomys miletus, weights and length et al of stomach, small intestine, large intestine, caecum were measured in their nature environment.


The existence characteristic, structure transformation and the characteristic of water before and after adding nanometer particles will be measured, the variety of nanometer particles and causable environment effect will be studied.


The main findings of the study are as follows:(1) Both N2 and P3 are the characteristic ERPs under nogo inhibition,but P3 amplitude is a good indicator of inhibition processing depth;(2) Through ERP waveforms separation from encoding of stimuli sequence,we verify that the capacity of visual working memory is about 4 units;(3) In the go/nogo sequence response, encoding is mainly the function of right hemisphere, but inhibition retrieval is concentrated on left frontal area and anterior cingulated cortex.


Demographical character and life style factors were investigated for all subjects , and their ...


In chapter Ⅰ, a historial review of structure control is given; In chapter Ⅱ, A discussion of the controllability and observablity of flexible structures is given, Two kinds of controllability and observablity index are defined, and applied to actuator allocation; chapter Ⅲ considers the reduction of high order flexible structure mode; the content of chapter Ⅳ is about the basic problem of distributed parameter control system design. It is proved that a stable controllor in mode space may be unstable in real use in distributed paramater systems, also, by closed loop mode concept, a pole assignment method of flexible structure controllor design is given; chapter Ⅴ is about the low-authority controllor design, it is pointed out by use of high order eigenvalue/eigenvector perturbation, a better controllor can be designed; chapter Ⅳ considers flexible structure reduced order control; chapter Ⅶ disscusses the basic problem of flexible structure computer control, analyses discreate controllablity and observablity and its computing, the sample period and coefficient wordlength; chapter Ⅷ is on the problem of low flexibility compensation; chapter Ⅸ is a design example.


Firstly, it introduced the import principium resolving thread and steps of analytic hierarchy process. Secondly, it erected model of population modernization, which based on the steps of analytic hierarchy process. Lastly, it got the maximal eigenvalue of dissymmetric matrix and corresponding eigenvector with SAS, and normalized the eigenvector to get weight value.


Based on a rather long temporal series of remote sensing data, employing RS and GIS as its tool and FVC that is of rather high sensitivity over the coverage of vegetation in arid area as its monitoring index of desertification, the dissertation analyzes the features of the dynamitic variation of desertification in Xinjiang over the years by using the slop variation to reflect the features of temporal-spatial distributing and the changes of areas of the desertification in Xinjiang.

以较长时间序列的遥感数据为基础,以RS和GIS为工具,选择了在干旱区对植被覆盖度上有较好敏感性的FVC的斜率作为荒漠化监测指标,利用1982~2000年期间新疆FVC斜率变化来反演新疆土地荒漠化的时空分布、面积变化,分析新疆荒漠化多年来动态变化特征; 3。

We characterized left ventricular volume, effective arterial elastance, left ventricular end-systolic elastance, and leftcommunity.


The soil erodibilities are compared and appraised for the majority of the soil types in Ningxia. The method published by D. W. Fryrear et al is adopted to calculate erodible fractions for the soils in Ningxia. The erodibilities of main soil types are compared and analyzed. Spatial distribution of soil erodibilities in the region can be perceived on the Map of Ningxia Soil Erodibility. The map is based on the digitized map of soil types of the all region by means of the geographical information system of Region Manager. Evaluation results show that erodible soils occupy a large portion of the total area of the region.(3) The third task is evaluation of effects of human activities for farming on soil erodibility. Tillage and cultivation can alter soil properties. The paper, based on the discussion on the characteristics of farmland suffering wind erosion in the region, analyzes the contents and intensities of farming disturbing surface soil. Emphasis is paid on the effect of farming on erodibilities of each type of soil.

W Fryrear等人的计算土壤可蚀部分含量的方程,此方程的自变量包括土壤有机质、碳酸钙、沙粒含量、沙粘比,计算了宁夏主要土壤类型表层的可蚀含量,进而比较它们的可蚀性,并以宁夏土壤分布图为底图用地理信息系统建立了宁夏土壤风蚀数据库,完成了宁夏土壤可蚀性图,评价结果显示宁夏地区主要的土壤类型较容易遭受风蚀;(3)农业经营对土壤风蚀的影响及其评价,在分析宁夏农业土壤遭受风蚀特征的基础上,首先讨论了农业活动对土壤理化性质的干扰,评价主要耕作栽培措施对土壤风蚀的影响,选取粗糙度、表面结皮、可蚀颗粒含量、留茬和有效时间为指标,用打分方法作了评价。

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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
