英语人>网络例句>特征指标 相关的搜索结果


与 特征指标 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In normal years, the onset time of summer monsoon over the SCS is approximately in the fourth pentad of May.


This paper Puts forward the four main parameters of the Permeability classification for coal mass es, that is,the fractal dimension of the cracks in coal mass es,the number of the cracks in one meter's characteristic scale, the conducting water coefficient of coal samples and its Porousness; and founds the mathematical pattern of the complex judgement by fuzzy sets.


It is found that the information entropy and exponent of power spectrum are two powerful indexes to distinguish the atmospheric turbulence in boundary layer and the explanation for difference ...


In this paper, four diversity indexes were considered as quantitative indicators of understory for urban forest, while the features of environment variables were recorded at the corresponding quadrat scale.


To understand metabolic adaptations,the basal metabolic rate of four small birds in China were investigated.Metabolic rate,body temperature and thermal conductance were determined in yellow-browed bunting Emberiza chrysophrys at a temperature range of 5-35° C,chestnut-flanked white-eye Zosterops erythropleura and hwamei Garrulax canorus at 10-30° C,and red-billed leiothrix Leiothrix lutea at 10-35° C.Oxygen consumption was measured by using a closed circuit respirometer.

采用封闭式流体压力呼吸计,分别在5-35° C、10-30° C和10-35° C的环境温度范围内测定了黄眉NFDA2、红胁绣眼鸟、画眉和红嘴相思鸟的耗氧量、热传导、体温等指标,探讨了其代谢产热特征。

In the consideration of dual economy, this paper applies one price law theory to general consumer price index and general retail price index, and separately inspects the city department and the countryside department's marketization degree.


After binarization and the adoption of multiple indexes evaluation function for color reverse, characters are segmented on the basis of connected component analysis.

摘 要:通过对连续视频流分析的方法判断并捕获车牌图像帧;基于数学形态学方法和边缘特征分析来进行车牌定位,进行二值化、引入多指标联合评价函数判断反色等处理;最后基于连通体分析的方法切分字符。

The performance of the final model was evaluated according to the Root Mean Square Error of Prediction and the Correlation coefficient in prediction and calibration sets.


Five kinds of bacteria were isolated from disease Meretrix meretrix and culture water (two isolated from the M. meretrix, three from the culture water) in Lvsi harbor, Jiangsu province. The results of infection showed that strain WG1702 can cause disease with the mortality rate 100 percent and the same symptoms as original. It was cued that strain WG1702 was the pathogenic bacteria and caused the death in large scare, a preliminary research was done on the bacteria including morphological, physiological, biochemical characteristics, phylogenetic position and pathogenic. Strain WG1702 was a straight-rod gram negative bacterium, the physiological and biochemical indicators were lysine decarboxylase, ornithine decarboxylase, reduction of NO3- to NO2-, mannitose, oxidase and methylred reaction positive, arginine decarboxylase, arginine dihydrolase, salicin and voges-proskauer negative.


Draw to the features of object of the maize seedling, it has established the system of new index .


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
