英语人>网络例句>物质 相关的搜索结果


与 物质 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

J iawei Sijunzi Decoction ; Spleen Deficiency Syndrome ; movement of isolated duodenum ; substance P ; antibody of substance P

加味四君子汤;脾虚;离体十二指肠活动; P 物质; P 物质抗体

A a graph choose 2 show where are those asteroid located, I selected the 2 point on the same orbit as Jupitor, one before, one after. Please check google for background information. Google mentions some 60 degree before and after something


Another concern is that a supplement may not contain what the label claims or may be contaminated with harmful substances, says Leanna Standish, a naturopathic doctor at Bastyr University in Kenmore, Wash.

地处华盛顿Kenmore的Bastyr大学的自然疗法医生Leanna Standish说,另一个问题是,某种营养补给品并不含有标签上所称的物质,或者可能受到有害物质的污染。

Standish, a naturopathic doctor at Bastyr University in Kenmore, Wash. Supplements are not subject to the same strict safety and effectiveness standards as dru gs.

地处华盛顿Kenmore的Bastyr大学的自然疗法医生Leanna Standish说,另一个问题是,某种营养补给品并不含有标签上所称的物质,或者可能受到有害物质的污染。

Contaminated with harmful substances, says Leanna Standish, a naturopathicdoctor at Bastyr University in Kenmore, Wash. Supplements are not subject


The paper indicated the remarkable effects on health caring liquor, which was made from Cynomorium songaricum cleared by clarifying agent s, and combined kieselguhr and gelatin and PVPP.


If they have the opportunity to Earth nearby, it is possible to the speed of tens of kilometers per second into the Earth's atmosphere, the material above the Earth's atmosphere due to massive friction, kinetic energy into a tremendous heat, caused material ionization issued dazzling rays of light.


Kinetic theory of gases is the Gibbs statistical mechanics on the material before the advent of thermal motion of the micro-theory, which later became part of statistical mechanics, and contributed to its development .1658 year, Jia Sangdi proposed substance is formed by a molecular hypothesis.


Which states that the fresh bark of the stem of Lantana camara contains 60 per cent water, 6.25 per cent ash, 0.08 per cent of a crystalline substance, 0.054 per cent of rubber like substance, 1.705 per cent resin, and 2.2 per cent resinic acid but no tannic acid; the bark of the root, however, is supposed to contain tannic acid.

307 ,其中指出,新的树皮干马缨丹载有百分之六十的水,灰百分之6.25 , 0.08百分之结晶物质, 0.054百分之橡胶状物质, 1.705百分之树脂,和百分之二点二,但没有树脂酸单宁酸;树皮的根源,然而,理应含有单宁酸。

Take F=0 which governs the matter as an example, it is Newton's first law of movement, i.e. law of inertia. In the field of invisible spirit, in fact, this is the so-called "attachment to form" in the Diamond Sutra.

以掌握有形物质的理 F=0为例, F=0在有形物质是牛顿第一运动定律,也就是惯性定律,在无形精神事实上就是金刚经的「著相」。

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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
