英语人>网络例句>物品 相关的搜索结果


与 物品 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Most feeders have at least 500 items in their SDB and of course you don't have to have that many but in the end, you could always sell the unfed food.


Many people are looking to unload their items for valuable items or items they can use.


Again, on the other hand, it happens that anyone who knows that the property which he possesses belongs to another can acquire it by usucaption; as, for instance where someone has possession of property belonging to an estate of which the heir who is not yet born has not obtained possession ; for he is permitted to acquire it in this manner, provided the said property is of a nature which admits of usucaption, and this kind of possession and usucaption is styled that of a person representing an heir.


Note (1) Donations can be in cash or in kind and include any money's worth, any valuable security or other equivalent ofmoney and any valuable consideration.

附注 捐赠可指现金或其他方式之捐助,包括任何具有货币价值之物品,任何有价值之保证,或其他相等於金钱之物品及任何有值代价。

Passengers carrying camera, portable radio-recorder, mini movie-camera, portable video-recorder, portable character-processor, and any other trip necessities which will be taken back to China Customs territory after the trip.


Holding a raffle, auction, white elephant sale or bazaar of donated goods, with the revenues going to further the educational objectives of Toastmasters International.


Exhausting : The item resembles anormal psionic item with free activation, but it instead drains theuser of power points whenever she activates its ability.


A free flow abrasive hole polishing system and method improves air flow and resultant component cooling efficiency for an apertured article.


Move the stack to a different place in your bag, now take however many of the soulbound/stacked items you want and put the stack of the original item in slot 1 in your bag. For example you've duped 240 arcanite rods, if you want to have 240 warglaives you would put 240 arcanite rods in that spot. Usually 2 would be fine unless it's an item like potions.

移动到另一个地方的叠加在你的袋子,现在却为数众多的物品,你想要/堆放绑定,把堆叠的原始物品放进书包。1槽例如你骗240 arcanite棒,如果你想要有240 warglaives你将会在这个地方arcanite 240杆。2将会是一个多么美好的,除非它是一项像药水。

Packaging as human wisdom, a widely used in daily life, production, as early as 3000 BC. Egyptians began to use the manual method of casting, blowing the original glass bottle containing items for the same period. Egyptian paper Cyperaceous the pith of a primitive made of paper used for packaging items, 221, 105, Cai Lun invented Papermaking in China, showing the hand-made paper made labels.

摘 要:包装作为人类智慧的结晶,广泛用于生活、生产中,早在公元前3000年,埃及人开始用手工方法熔铸、吹制原始的玻璃瓶,用于盛装物品,同一时期,埃及人用纸莎草的心髓制成了一种原始的纸张用以包装物品,公元前105年,蔡伦发明了造纸术,在中国出现了用手工造的纸做成标贴。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
