英语人>网络例句>牢固的 相关的搜索结果


与 牢固的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The wearing of gloves is more common, as is the taping shut—rather than the DNA-laden licking—of envelopes. Investigators comb crime scenes ever more finely for new kinds of evidence, which is creating problems with the tracking and storage of evidence, so that even as the criminals leave fewer traces of themselves behind, a backlog of cold-case evidence is building up.

戴手套更加常见,as is the taping shut—rather than the DNA-laden licking—of envelopes调查者得比以前更加仔细的梳理犯罪现场以找寻新的证据,以便在罪犯留下更少的犯罪线索的情况下,也可以建立牢固的证据,这给记录和储存证据带来新的麻烦。

The suction bond is non-invasive bonding object itself, such as glass, porcelain, plastics, and so on Binder's own strength, strong force, the structure of the polymer chain-like molecules attract the ability to bond two objects attract strong, unlike osmosis bonding needs to have a certain amount of pressure.


Even if the primitive patrician nobility had already gained ground, even if the reges were endeavoring gradually to extend their power, it does not change the original, fundamental character of the constitution, and that alone matters.


Through "legislation for the nature" and "legislation for the human "Kant settles tergiversate about inevitability of the nature and freedom by-the dialectic of the reason, paves the way for practical philosophy,and lays a firm and solid foundation for his obligation.


Bone marrow containing hematopoietic stem cells has already been known , theses another group stem cells exists in bone marrow named mesenchymal stem cells. MSCs retain the potentiality of differentiating into osteoblast, chondroblast, adipoblast, tendonblast, myoblast, cardiomyoblast, neuron, etc , which displays a bright prosperity of its use in tissue enigeering, wound healing , cell transplatation and gene therapy. MSCs can be obtained and expanded easily compared to ESC without any problems of morality , law and ethic , immunology.

最早在130年前,德国病理学家Cohnheim在研究创口愈合时就推测在创口愈合过程中出现的部分细胞可能来自骨髓。20世纪70年代,Friendenstein发现一小部分骨髓中贴壁最牢固的细胞经数此传代后形成独特的纺锤形外观,具有形成成骨细胞或软骨细胞的能力。80年代以来,许多研究小组进一步证实了Friendenstein分离到的这些细胞是多能的,在体外特定诱导条件下,可以分化为成骨细胞、软骨细胞、脂肪细胞、成肌细胞、神经元等,被称为骨髓间充质干细胞(Bone MarrowMesenchymal Stem Cells,MSCs)。

More than half a century of twists and turns, nourishing a deep cultural School, gave birth to the Zonta refined heavy wind energy, transmission of the near 30,000 graduates, with their strong professional thought, solid teaching skills, Canton praised by the society for Jinzhong basic education reform and development has made important contributions.


The thesis consists of four sections from the history of western philosophy . The first section from the analysis of modern western freedom theory of rationalists by Descartes deputing reveals that rationalists break completely away from human sensibility and define freedom . so they couldnt base freedom theory on reason .


We are always looking for feedback and are entrenching ourselves into the blogger community to reach out for feedback good bad and indifferent in an effort to build strong relationships and continue to raise the bar for what a companies customer support and service should be like.


Instead of the Gen 1 internal elastic straps around the back of the knees that snugged the pads to the knee, the Gen 2 has an external velcro tab, so adjustments can be made on the fly. The tab doesn't have to be tight - just snug enough to keep the knee pad against the knee to prevent shifting or rotation.

魔术贴不必绷紧,只要粘实就足以使膝垫贴着膝盖,从而防止移位或转动。2 代之所以能够简化膝垫收紧装置,原因之一是,新的膝垫足够轻,用户可以按照自己的偏好来穿着它,松些或紧些都可以,而无需通过极其牢固的方式固定它;较轻的膝垫意味着它们无需过多的帮助就能保留在您所需的位置,而且也更容易弯曲。

Right off the bat, the lander's robotic scoop appeared to hit solid ice just below the surface, and scientists were rewarded with time-lapse images of ice subliming into the thin Martian atmosphere from one of the trenches it dug


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
