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与 片通 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

V6 F/~ L0 E7 ?$ o What unites the two very different cinematic hits—a slapstick[6] comedy and a 16th-century swashbuckler[7]—is their gung-ho patriotism .

9 }! _! L; 6 U' X2 P H 一部是闹哄哄的喜剧片,一部描写的是16世纪一位飞扬跋扈的国王,两部题材截然不同的热片共通之处在于都宣扬了爱国主义。

Topping a rise, he saw the road before him intersected by a dark swath, a crease of wagon tracks that emerged from the forest and meandered south across the fields; a woodsman's road, perhaps, a route from the woodchopper's harvesting-place to the farmlands west of Erchester.


AIM: To explore the protective mechanisms of qidantongmai tablet for anoxic human umbilical vein endothelial cells.

目的 观察芪丹通脉片对缺氧内皮细胞的保护机制。

OBJECTIVE To observe the cholagogic, analgesic and antiinflammatory effects of danshutong tablets.

目的 观察胆舒通片的利胆、镇痛、抗炎作用。

Using the intracellular recording technique for monitoring the excitatory postsynaptic potentials of CA1 pyramidal neuron and delivering an activator of protein kinase C and/or inhibitors of PKC and 〓/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase Ⅱ into postsynaptic cell in hippocampal slices, we studied the role of postsynaptic PKC and CaMKⅡ in long-term potentiation induced by high frequency stimulation at the CA1 synapses made by Schaffer collateral/commissural and perforant pathway afferents.


HXTMT could improve hemodynamics of blood hyperviscosity sydrome in experimental canine and patients with myocardial ischemia.


METHODS: Full-thickness skin was sterilely obtained from rabbit ears. 2 cm×2 cm free skin graft was placed in 0.25% pancreatin-EDTA to remove epidermis, in Qulatong X-100 solution to completely take off hypodermal cells, repeatedly rinsed in phosphate buffer saline. Thus, acellular dermal matrix was collected, and kept at 4 ℃ for usage.

无菌条件下切取兔耳全层皮肤,将2 cm×2 cm皮片置于0.25%胰酶-EDTA消化液中去掉表皮,再置入曲拉通X-100溶液使真皮细胞完全脱净,磷酸盐缓冲液反复清洗,即为脱细胞真皮基质,4 ℃保存备用。

Cm×2 cm free skin graft was placed in 0.25% pancreatin-EDTA to remove epidermis, in Qulatong X-100 solution to completely take off hypodermal cells, repeatedly rinsed in phosphate buffer saline. Thus, acellular dermal matrix was collected, and kept at 4 ℃ for usage.

无菌条件下切取兔耳全层皮肤,将2 cm×2 cm皮片置于0.25%胰酶-EDTA消化液中去掉表皮,再置入曲拉通X-100溶液使真皮细胞完全脱净,磷酸盐缓冲液反复清洗,即为脱细胞真皮基质,4 ℃保存备用。

Vindoline content showed a positive correlation with leaf width, plant height, whole-plant leaf weight, 100-leaf weight, petal diameter and leaf length; the positive correlation was significant for first lateral branch number and stem diameter (P.05) and notable for internodal distance.


Stems glabrous; cymes laxly branched, mostly with (2 or) 3 main branches; bracteoles subtending pedicels few, minute, linear, ca. 1 mm

茎无毛;易通便分开,主要的聚伞花序与(2或者)3 主要分部;很少的小苞片对着花梗,分钟,线,约1毫米 1 Gongronema napalense 纤冠藤

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The X-ray diffract was used to analyze the crystal structure of the composite. Results show that after the talc was treated with blend coupling agent, the crystal structure of talc changed, and effect Intercalation phenomenon.


An authentic Maui wedding might require the services of a 'kahu', which is a Hawaiian minister.


Funds involving such cases are limited and there is no huge capital flight.
