- 与 焦头烂额 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
For a variety of reasons, including too few resources, a mudded strategy and the venality and incompetence of the elected government of Hamid Karzai, the Western effort is in deep trouble.
Now the developing countries has been HIV, TB and has been badly battered and malaria made,"and prevent influenza in these countries is no doubt tired of the health system has been another major challenge", Coker fear that developing countries
Sybil's arrival was inauspicious, it noted: weeks after she arrived, Darling was grappling with the first run on a bank in over a century at the Northern Rock, presaging last year's full-blown global financial crisis.
I argued that respect for liberty is at a historic low in America and Europe, where governments think nothing of introducing 42-day detention without charge, spying on us through CCTV cameras or email surveillance, and bringing in new thought crimes – and therefore asking President Bush or our own beleaguered PM to pressurise China to "embrace liberty" was a bit like "asking Rose West to open a halfway house for young runaways".
Provinces and cities have sunk billions of dollars into new power plants to help alleviate shortages, leaving governments or even individual officials on the hook to pay off loans to state banks.
Meanwhile, Dorinda Heiden-Guss, who heads the county's economic-development group, has been barraged with requests from companies seeking incentives.
同时,Dorinda Heiden-Guss,Elkhart经济发展集团主席被那些寻求鼓励政策的公司的诉求搞的焦头烂额。
It takes them much consternated thinking to come up with the answer—which is, of course, that the positions in which people sit in public settings are generally much less loose than the positions they adopt when unobserved, in a room designed for rest and relaxation.
Rumors about the firm's health kept popping up, he groused to other executives.
But harried clerks can't keep up with demand and every day there are long lines and frustrated people.
Perhaps you are one alliance advocate, for all sorts of foreign relations between tribe terribly defeated, scandal flies all over the sky, the dispute between the member that often be tribal member and other tribe to become even overtaxes his nerves.
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