英语人>网络例句>热身 相关的搜索结果


与 热身 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At the end of it, the Rossoneri warmed-up in the indoor pitch, working among the hurdles, doing aerobic exercises and sit-ups in the music.


Inzaghi had some light running; Stam warmed-up, did some sprints with changes of direction and worked on the technical side of the game with Gigi Balestra.


There will be plenty of opportunity for that pastime in the vast exhibition hall that adjoins the meeting area. Kelly Muchemore, the Flo Ziegfeld of Berkshire, put on a magnificent shopping extravaganza last year, and she says that was just a warm-up for this year.(Kelly, I am delighted to report, is getting married in October. I'm giving her away and suggested that she make a little history by holding the wedding at the annual meeting. She balked, however, when Charlie insisted that he be the ringbearer.) Again we will showcase a 2,100 square foot Clayton home (featuring Acme brick, Shaw carpet, Johns Manville insulation, MiTek fasteners, Carefree awnings and NFM furniture). Take a tour through the home. Better yet, buy it.

当天在会场旁边的展场也会有许多娱兴节目,Kelly-Berkshire的Flo Ziegfeld去年布置了一件大型的展览品,不过她说去年只是热身而已,我很高兴向大家报告,Kelly在去年十月结婚,我本来建议她选在股东大会举行婚礼,可惜由于查理坚持要男傧相而作罢,再一次我们将在会场展示一个2,100平方英呎宽的组合屋,配备有Acme砖块、Shaw地毯、Johns Manville隔热材料、MiTek螺栓、Carefree屋檐及NFM家具,记得来参观一下,最好顺便买一套。

For example, before my successful ascent of La Rambla I waited 5 hours! If the route has got an easy start I warm up on it and then I'm ready for the harder sections above. The problem comes if a route is difficult right from the start. And when I climb bouldery routes I rest for just one or two hours between one attempt and the next.


You are in charge of your life again Cappy as a New Moon Eclipse joined by Venus and the Sun brighten your eyes and your desire to turn over a new leaf.


Mike:I ean't tell you what is standard warm-up training.It varies depending Upoil who you are.


They would not vote to lose their land and wealth, even if it resulted in a fairer society.

课前热身 9。使自己的土地和财产遭受损失的事,他们是不会投赞成票的,即使这样做的结果能导致一个更为公平的社会。

At end of it the first team will face Milan's Italian champions Allievi Nazionali coached by Fulvio Fiorin.


I said to Gator,'Why is Villone warming up?

我问古锥:『为什麼 Villone 在热身啊?

I came on without warming-up and I am really sorry for Gila .


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
