英语人>网络例句>热衷的 相关的搜索结果


与 热衷的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It's as if, after winning two fat Oscars for their fairly straightforward adaptation of Cormac McCarthy's No Country for Old Men, the brothers needed to reassert their old capricious cunning, their weasily larkishness, their independence from easy acclaim.

似乎在因为直接改编自Cormac McCarthy小说的《老无所依》的两座大大的奥斯卡奖杯之后,兄弟俩就需要重新回到从前那种无常的奸诈,狡猾的嬉戏,以及对独立制片的热衷上。

There will probably be another one after the opening of the pyre.


Among them, POLO 劲情 lays particular emphasis on perceptual private consumer of " the fifth generation of people ", They are a group of fashions young men who fall over oneself for enjoy and follow self-feeling

其中, POLO 劲情侧重"第五代人"中的感性私人消费者,他们是一群热衷享受、追随自我感受的时尚年轻人; POLO 劲取的目标人群则更具理性消费特征,他们是当代社会和企业的未来新生力量,一群热爱生活、乐观进取的有品位的年轻人。

To begin with, now that everybody has a passion – and, in my opinion, a ridiculous passion – for living in detached or semidetached villas, the new suburbs eat into the countryside in the greediest fashion and immensely enlarge the bounds of their cities.


Among them, POLO 劲情 lays particular emphasis on perceptual private consumer of " the fifth generation of people ", They are a group of fashions young men who fall over oneself for enjoy and follow self-feeling

其中, POLO 劲情侧重&第五代人&中的感性私人消费者,他们是一群热衷享受、追随自我感受的时尚年轻人; POLO 劲取的目标人群则更具理性消费特征,他们是当代社会和企业的未来新生力量,一群热爱生活、乐观进取的有品位的年轻人。

I began remembering the son I'd given birth to. Howhe'd loved dressing up as a child. The day he'd played so hard he fell asleep atdinner and landed face first in his spaghetti. The first dollar he'd earned--at three--collecting shingles thrown down by the roofers. How gifted he was with sketching pencils and his guitar. What a loyal friend he was. How no-one could make me laugh as hard.


Because of the differences in values and outlooks, as much as possible, we should strive to find ministries and methods of ministries that are appropriate for them. We must design ministries to match their culture, spirituality, linguistic ability, educational background, interest, gifts and calling.


Categorising myself so is, I feel, very important for people like me who can hide their obvious lack of achievements under the comforting duvet of potential, and can shirk responsibility within the guise of gaining experience; 25 is generally a fine age to avoid expectations.


The general manager of Water, than today has attended in Toledo the inauguration of the working days The control of the poured a priority, has specified than the fond drought to practically the whole Mediterranean arch, from Catalonia to Algeciras, besides of to the Guadalquivir's basin, the top part of the Chunk and some points of the basin of the Duero.

这位总经理的水,会比今天出席了在托莱多就职的工作日数的控制范围内倾注了一个优先事项,已指明较热衷於抗旱,以几乎整个地中海拱,从加泰罗尼亚以阿尔赫西拉斯,另外的,以在Guadalquivir ' s盆地,顶部部分的大块几点盆地的

But his book,"Dirty Politics, Dirty Times", offers insights into an eventful life: his childhood years in Belize, a poor country in Central America, when it was British Honduras; his admiration for military heroes; his charity work; his colourful business career, which started in the cleaning and security industries; how he likes to retreat to one of his yachts during crises.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
