英语人>网络例句>热化 相关的搜索结果


与 热化 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

During the process of peptization and hydrothermal crystallization, the aggregation behavior and the resulting morphology of nanocrystalline titania (TiO2) were studied by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscope, and dynamic light scattering techniques.


In order to study the method and its capability of the borax ceramsite concrete as the layer of accumulation of heat of floor radiant heating,the borax ceramsite concrete was used to substitute for pisolite concrete as the layer of accumulation of heat in the floor radiant heating system during the construction of Lakeside Garden Buildings in Liaohua District.

目的研究硼泥陶粒混凝土作为低温热水地板辐射供暖系统蓄热层的作法及其性能。方法辽化湖畔花园小区住宅楼工程中,用硼泥陶粒混凝土代替豆石混凝土作低温热水地板辐射供暖系统蓄热层,取暖期内对试验工程进行温度监测实验。结果试验工程混凝土试块强度平均值为27.5 MPa,合格率为100%,厚度均在允许偏差内,合格率100%;外观鉴定混凝土表面无裂缝,并根据温度监测结果画出了取暖期内每天温度随时间变化的曲线图。结论用硼泥陶粒混凝土作低温热水地板辐射供暖系统的蓄热层,与用豆石混凝土相比,减轻了建筑物自重、减缓了传热速度、增强了房间的热稳定性

This paper introduced the development state of the heat pressing plasticization leveling process technology of plant board surface and equipment all the world , and entered technology guideline of heat pressing plasticization technology of plant board surface in our country.


The measurement of 1/f noise in amorphous, microcrystalline and polymorphous silicon film was performanced with a self-design semiconductor system.


The results show that: the functional groups in coal are the function of coal rank , and the yields of CO 2, H 2O and CO are related to the content of carboxyl, hydroxyl and other oxygen containing groups such as ether groups in coal, and Tar and CH 4 are related to the aliphatic CH, the char yields to the aromatic CH.

借助化学分析和FTIR光谱分析对我国煤化程度不同的18 种煤中官能团的研究表明:煤中官能团含量与煤化程度有关;煤中羧基、羟基及醚键等其他含氧官能团的含量与热解生成物CO2、H2O 和CO 的产率有关,脂肪—CH 的含量与甲烷和焦油的产率相关联,芳香—CH 的含量与热解半焦产率有关。

A waste heat recoverer in the offgas system was designed while manufacturing of activated carbon by fluidized -bed, to heat the air and steam needed for reaction.

用流态化炉生产颗粒活性炭时,在尾气通道上设计了一套余热回收装置,并用余热加热流态化反应所需的空气及水蒸气,该装置也能自产蒸汽,最大蒸汽发生量为70 kg/h,余热换热器热利用率为42.7%。

A single systemic injection of resiniferatoxin , an ultrapotent analog of capsaicin, produced a long-lasting, reversible blockade of adjuvant-induced thermal hyperalgesia and reduction of early edema in the adult rat. Depletion of mast cell granules in peripheral connective tissues with secretagogue compound 48/80 also reduced the hyperalgesia and early edema to some extent. Co-pretreatment with RTX and compound48/80 had the similar effects as that of RTX treated alone. After unilateral surgical sympathectomy, the thermal hyperalgasia and edema were both significantly enhanced.


The relationship of ore-forming fluid salinity-aqueous cation lg demonstrated that water-rock reaction was also one of the potential gold deposition mechanisms besides mixing with meteoric water. All of these were consistent with that sericitization and pyritization hydrothermal alteration were extensively/intensively distributed (as high as 33%), gold grade linearly correlated with degree of alteration,∑REE depletion and δ〓O enrichment


Meanwhile, the volcaniclastic rocks were modificated by the thermal fluid activity, for example, sericitization of plagioclase, chloritization of volcanic detritus in andesitic detris tuff; in the tufaceous mud, the thermal fluid activity accelerates "maturating" of the organic carbon by heating; and the trace elements show an anomaly in the wall rocks.


The easy generation of middle-and-steady-state and special phase under the hydrothermal condition, enable to form matter which is hard to form in low melting point, high-pressure steam and in the melting state, and enable to the crystallization generation under hydrothermal condition, such as the high-temperature thermal decomposition.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
