英语人>网络例句>热化 相关的搜索结果


与 热化 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ECOTECT is a highly visual and interactive building design and analysis tool that links a comprehensive 3D modeller with a wide range of performance analysis functions covering solar, thermal, energy, lighting, acoustics, resource usage and cost aspects.

ECOTECT是高度视觉化和交互式的大楼设计和分析工具,连接综合性3D modeller与大范围性能分析功能一起,包括太阳,热的能量,点燃,声学,资源用法,以及花费方面。

In the investigation of Cu-Zn-Al SMA, the influence of quenching speed, shape memory thermal treatment on SME, microstructure and morphologies was discussed. The changes in morphology and interfaces were in situ metallographic observed during thermal cyclings in order to control the degradation of two way shape memory effect . The stabilization of stress induced martensite variants method and the accordingly changes in microstructure were studied in detail. The mechanism was also compared between SSIM and TWME training method. From the above in situ observation results, the interface structure and especially the twin related A: B type variant pair were examined by HREM to clarify the role of movability of interfaces and the changes in variants orientation in inducing the degradation of the TWME. During developing the Ni-Ti-Hf SMA melt spinning ribbon, it was found the morphology and structure embodied the SME and was directly effected by chemical composition and technique factors, such as the different content of Hf, the speed of copper roller rotation and etc. Therefore, the morphology and structure were extensively examined.


Magnesium silicide (Mg2Si) is one kind of narrow-band-gap n-type semiconductor, and is a promising environmentally friendly thermoelectric material because of its high electrical conductivity and low thermal conductivity, and also because it is non-toxic and non-polluting.


The δ〓S value of pyrite, sphelerite and arsonopyrite is in the range of 4. 0‰ and -4. 2‰ with the highest frequency occurring around zero, indicating a uniformed sulfur source. The large variation and mainly negative values (0.2‰~-11. 3‰) of δ〓S for stibnite could be interpreted by isotope fractionation. The carbon isotopic characteristics exhibit a mixing nature of magmatic carbon and organic carbon.


The thermodynamic calculations of the Gibbs free energies for typical multiple phase equilibria in silicate systems were performed,including (1)melting reactions of silicate reactant in processing of the glass-ceramics;(2)sintering reactions in utilizations of nepheline syenite and high- flyash;(3)crystallizing reactions of tobermorite and xonotlite .

对硅酸盐体系的典型多相平衡反应进行了热力学计算,包括:(1)微晶玻璃制备过程中的硅酸盐熔融反应;(2)霞石正长岩和高铝粉煤灰利用技术中的硅酸盐烧结反应;(3)S iO2-CaO-H2O体系和KA lS i3O8-CaO-H2O体系雪硅钙石、硬硅钙石的水热晶化反应;(4)高铝粉煤灰和霞石正长岩烧结产物的溶解反应;(5)Na[A l4]-A l3-H2O体系和Na2SO4-Ca2-H2O体系中α-A l3和CaSO4.2H2O的析晶反应。

The bulky ortho-brominated aryl groups are implanted to create nonplanarity around amino center. Thus, the effective conjugation length to the protonation site is shortened and the energy gap between neutral and protonated forms is narrowed. The protonation can only occur at the nitrogen atom of the benzothiazole and the temperature variation disturbs the equilibrium between the neutral and monocation and the reverible thermochromic effect can thus be achieved.

在邻位的位置引入立体阻碍大的溴原子,进而控制质子化过程的酸碱平衡只发生在 benzothiazole 上的氮原子上,企图达到只有中性分子,与单阳离子两种稳定的形式存在,经由外界的刺激下,例如温度或酸的量的改变,促使逆反应的发生,而达到热致变色的效果。

Several methods have been proposed to improve the thermal stability of NiSi.


First of all, we demonstrated that the NiSi films on the SiO2 substrate, without the excess Si atoms, have superior thermal stability.


For Nitro derivatives of methylbenzenes, the pyrolysis initial reaction is an isomerization reaction. It means the alpha C-H bond in methyl rupture, then the Hydrogen atom transfer to the Oxygen atom in nitryl to form isomer.


Nitro derivatives of phenols, the pyrolysis initial reaction is an isomerization reaction It meansthe O-H bond in hydroxide rupture, then the Hydrogen atom transfer to the Oxygen atom in nitryl to form isomer.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
