英语人>网络例句>热化 相关的搜索结果


与 热化 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This article mainly introduced completes with programmable software to the saccharification pot , the dextrinize pot, Boils the pot, the lye pot, the thermal flask, the ice watering can and the disc heat interchanger carries on the temperature xamination control, carries on the examination to the filter-tank temperature To the balance tank fluid position examination control, the thermal flask and the ice watering can fluid position carries on the examination; To wheat juice current capacity examination control, The steam current capacity carries on the measurement; To the saccharification pot, the dextrinize pot, boil the pot clamp cover steam pressure as well as the steam distributor pressure carry on the examination; To various unclear wines liquid pump, Delivers Mai Zhibeng, the mixer and various pipe-line valve according to each operating time order realization automatic control.


Software to design. This article mainly introduced completes with programmable software to the saccharification pot , the dextrinize pot, Boils the pot, the lye pot, the thermal flask, the ice watering can and the disc heat interchanger carries on the temperature xamination control, carries on the examination to the filter-tank temperature To the balance tank fluid position examination control, the thermal flask and the ice watering can fluid position carries on the examination; To wheat juice 环境/给排水论文 current capacity examination control, The steam current capacity carries on the measurement; To the saccharification pot, the dextrinize pot, boil the pot clamp co 土建水利论文 ver steam pressure as well as the steam distributor pressure carry on the examination; To various unclear wines liquid pump, Delivers Mai Zhibeng, the mixer and various pipe-line valve according to each operating time order realization automatic control.


Result of thermogravity analysis showed that the thermal stability of polyvinylamine chloride lowers with increasing in amination degree. Moreover, properties of dilute aqueous solutions of three types of poly chloride with different amination degree were compared by use of viscosimetric, conductometric, and potentiometric measurements. Results showed that both the electrostatic interaction of neighboring groups on the chain and the reduced viscosity of poly chloride are increased with increasing the degree of amination of poly . The equivalent conductivity is decreased with the increasing the concentration of poly chloride and increased with the increasing the amination degree of poly .


Incurrent research, aiming at the rupture problem engendered in the shooting process of acertain 5.56mm automatic rifle, the strain and stress distributions on the cartridge caseunder the action of axial pull have been analyzed. Based on the theories of elastic-plasticmechanics and contact mechanics, a mathematic and physical model of the cartridge-caseand chamber system has been set up; and based on the platform of the general softwarepackage APDL of ANSYS for finite element analysis, a parameterized model of thecartridge-case and chamber system has also been established. The method for nonlinearFEA has been adopted to analyze the stress distribution on the entire cartridge-case andchamber system, and the method of contact element has been employed to investigate thecontact stress between the cartridge case and chamber, and then the influences of frictioncoefficient and locking space on the static and dynamic stress and strain response of thecartridge case and chamber to the action of power gas have also been discussed. On thebasis of a lot of numerical tests, a kind of element Plane13, which is concentrated incoupled computation of heat and construction, has been used finally to simulate thetransient response of the cartridge-case and chamber system to the power gas. Throughloading the temporary thermal characteristics of explosive gas in the procedure of emulate, the corresponding transient thermal stress distributed on the entire system under thecombined load of transient thermal stress and transient pressure has been obtained. Owingto these comprehensive considerations, the numerical results obtained in this paperrepresent the actual situations comparatively exactly.


This paper, aimed at the problem of drying aluminum fluoride trihydrate, studied the most possible binding format of crystal water, and hereby deduced the process of crystal water dehydration.


The results indicated that the histone deacetylase inhibitors had effects on the morphology of the polytene chromosomes.


The results indicate the mutual effect exists between the single coals, which could increase the maximum of thermal weight loss obviously and has a small effect on the temperature extent of the weight loss. The main pyrolysis production of coal is coke, but the main production of waste plastics is tar; the yield of water became decrease and the gas became increase by adding the waste plastics. And the CRI and CSR decreased with the ratio of waste plastics in coal. The main ingredients of tar from blend coal are aromatic hydrocarbon and alkane, while those of waste plastics are alkane and alkene. The result of co-coking with coal and waste plastics make the light tar and the aromatic hydrocarbon increase obviously. The combustible ingredient(CO、H2、CH4) of gas from co-coking with coal increase at different ratio; Co-coking with coal and waste plastics could increase the combustible ingredient and thermal value of gas.


The thermal boundary condition of the cast iron cooling stave with surface alloyed steel pipe was used for numerical simulation of temperature field and commercial software ANSYS and the method of coupling heat-structure were used to calculate thermal deformation of steel pipe at high temperature,and analyze the influence of air gap and thermal deformation on the life of cooling stave.The optimal size of air gap and hot load to guarantee long life of cast iron cooling stave were obtained.


The thermal boundary condition of the cast iron cooling stave with surface alloyed steel pipe was used for numerical simulation of temperature field and commercial software ANSYS and the method of coupling heat-structure were used to calculate thermal deformation of steel pipe at high temperature,and analyze the influence of air gap and thermal deformation on the life of cooling stave.


By esterification, saponification, doubledecomposition and formulation, liquid rare earth of monoisooctyl phthalate complex heat stabilizer was prepared with phthalic anhydride, isooctyl alcohol, sodium hydrate, rare earth chloride, mixed solvent and other reagents. The optimum conditions are: the temperature of esterfication is 130~140℃,and the reaction time is 1h. The temperature and time of saponification is 60℃ and 10min respectively. The temperature of double decomposition is 60~70℃,and the reaction ti...

摘 要:以邻苯二甲酸酐、异辛醇、氢氧化钠、氯化稀土、混合溶剂、助剂为原料,通过酯化反应、皂化反应、复分解反应以及复配制备了以邻苯二甲酸单异辛酯稀土为主要成分的液态稀土复合热稳定剂,其工艺条件为:酯化反应的温度控制在 130~ 14 0℃,反应时间为 1h ;皂化反应的温度为 6 0℃,反应时间为 5min ;复分解反应的温度在 6 0~ 70℃,反应时间为 1h ;水洗温度控制在 6 0~ 6 5℃;混合溶剂的用量为 5 0 %,稀土含量为 6 0 3%;在复配过程中,采用亚磷酸酯作为辅助热稳定剂,其用量为 5 %~ 7%,PVC中加入 2 %的这种稀土复合热稳定剂,在185℃下,其热稳定时间为 4 5min。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
