英语人>网络例句>热化 相关的搜索结果


与 热化 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The crystal-lization of this amorphous alloy is a multi-stage continuous nucleation up to saturation process. The local crystallization energy decreases gradually indicating that the thermal stability of the residual amorphous matrix becomes weak at the steady crystallization stage, which is ascribed to the diffusion of boron atoms at elevated temperatures.


Finally, for the study of coking process on the alkylation catalyst, the deactived catalyst had been combusted by thermal analyzer and the method of dealing with data had been investigated to detect the correlation between the quantity retractation extent of coke on catalyst and reaction condition of alkylation.


The results indicate that it is possible to identify and distinguish these siccative oils because the unsaturated acid had changed into azelaic due to oxidation and polymerization during the drying process to make the chromatogram of siccative oils have a typical peak of C9 compound and provide a finger marker of m/z 217, and the concentration ratio of palmitic acid to stearic acid remains constant with time to facilitate the differentiation of oils.


Nowadays with the booming development of microelectronic technique, the functions of the components of machinery, electricity, magnetism, optics, acoustics and thermotics have been improved rapidly. And the micromation of components, the integration of electronic equipments, the worse working environment, the increasing requirement and EMI, all of these make the structural design of electronic equipments more and more important.


In this project, we study the theory of higher order differential equations in Banach spaces and related topics. We solve an open problem put forward by two American Mathematicians and two Italian Mathematicians concerning wave equations with generalized Weztzell boundary conditions, introduce an existence family of operators from a Banach space $Y$ to $X$ for the Cauchy problem for higher order differential equations in a Banach space $X$, establish a sufficient and necessary condition ensuring $ACP_n$ possesses an exponentially bounded existence family, as well as some basic results in a quite general setting about the existence and continuous dependence on initial data of the solutions of $ACP_n$ and $IACP_n$. We set up quite a few multiplicative and additive perturbation theorems for existence families governing a wide class of higher order differential equations, regularized cosine operator families, regularized semigroups, and solution operators of Volterra integral equations, obtain classical and strict solutions having optimal regularity for the inhomogeneous nonautonomous heat equations with generalized Wentzell boundary conditions, gain novel existence and uniqueness theorems,which extend essentially the existing results, for mild and classical solutions of nonlocal Cauchy problems for semilinear evolution equations, present a new theorem with regard to the boundary feedback stabilization of a hybrid system composed of a viscoelastic thin plate with one part of its edge clamped and the rest-free part attached to a visocelastic rigid body. Also we obtain many other research results.


All the results above suggested that it was the cyclic electron transport but the xanthophyll cycle that play the key role in the photoprotection of the rice hybrids. The cyclic electron transport was enhanced under excessive light, thus more ATPs, which could be used for the repair of the damaged D1 protein, would be produced by cyclic phosphorylation.


This study is to investigate the high temperature hot corrosion behavior of aluminide coating and platinum-aluminide coating on Ni-base superalloy MAR-M247. On the platinum-aluminide, aluminide and the base metal, respectively, by the salt spraying method.


Microcalorimetric measurements of NH~3 adsorption on catalysts reveal that the remarkable strong acidity and catalytic activity of the Al- promoted catalysts are caused by a change of distribution of acid site strengths and an enhancement in the number of strong and intermediate-strong acid sites effective for the n-butane isomerization and benzoylation of toluene.


English Outline Describes the classification and characteristics of biochemical reactions, major metabolic pathways; biochemical thermodynamics, biokinetics, immobilization technology, bioreactor construction, experimental design, mass transfer, heat transfer, and flow pattern; mathematical modeling, computer simulation, and optimization; the classification of reactors, aerobic and anaerobic, their operational characteristics and applications.

Chinese Outline 探讨生物化学反应种类及其特性,主要代谢路径;生物热力学、生物动力学、酵素特性探讨与酵素动力学,固定化技术、生物反应器之组装、实验设计、反应器内质传、热传及流动型态解析;数学模式,电脑模拟及最适化;简介反应器种类:好氧及厌氧反应器,其操作特性与应用。

Firstly, it is difficult to densify CeO2 based solid electrolyte materials and a sintering temperature above 1600℃is required to prepare dense CeO2 based solid electrolyte materials by the conventional solid-state reaction method;Secondly, doped ceria are brittle materials and have weak mechanical strength, which would be susceptible to fracture due to thermal stresses and mechanical stresses during cell fabrication and operation; Thirdly, electronic conduction will be introduced because of the reduction of Ce4+ under low oxygen partial pressure, which would reduce the output voltage and output power of the cells.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。