英语人>网络例句>热化 相关的搜索结果


与 热化 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The homogeneous nucleation rate, saturation rate, and droplet growth equation at state 250K、100Kpa for pentone affected by single expansion wave has been obtained in the joined international cooperation research. Results exposed that temperature decrease in the homogenous nucleation and condensation is the preponderant factor in unsteady adiabatic expansion process.


On the basis of the above results, the effects of the processing parameters on the coefficient of thermal expansion and density were further discussed.


The main ore_stage alterations related to hydrothermal fluids include ①early K_silicate alteration,②silicification,③ pyrite_sericite_quartz alteration and ④propylitization.


The analysis of thermal behavior and chemical structure show that the three main reactions do not initiate simultaneously. Dehydrogenization and cyclization reactions begin at the initial stage of stabilization, while oxidation reaction takes place on the precondition of cyclization reaction. Cyclization reaction has induction period that is influenced by temperature and heating rate.


With cellulose as the skeleton, gelatinized cassava starch solution and tungsten carbide were used as porogenic agent and inert densifier, respectively. The matrix prepared showed good sphericity and a logarithmic symmetrical distribution of particle size.


With increasing the percent of azide substitution, maximum temperature of thermal degradation is also increscent, a linear relationship exists between the glass transition temperature of B and percent of azide substitution.


The main results and conclusions are as followings.1, The histone deacetylase inhibitors were used to feed the larve of the fly, and then the polytene chromosomes were observed under the microscope.

得到的主要结果和结论如下: 1,通过用去乙酰化酶抑制剂处理果蝇幼虫,观察果蝇多线染色体在热休克基因处的形态变化,发现去乙酰化酶抑制剂介导的乙酰化水平的升高可引起染色体结构的显著变化,推测乙酰化修饰不仅影响分子间的相互作用而且还可以影响染色体的高级结构。

Ore deposit, have been studied detailly; the orebody pattern (sedimental bedded ores combined with stringer ores of hydrothermal origin) is also outlined; four metallogenic epoches are devided; the zoning of mineralization (including zones of ores, elements, mineral assemblages and temperature of mineralization) have been depicted; the main types of wall-rock alteration are characterized as propylitization of basic rocks and pyritization-sericitization-silicification of acidic pyroclastic rocks; the origin of ores and seven kinds of main minerals have been studied; and the metamorphism and deformation of orebodies is thought mainly due to the shearing and the intrusion of subvolcanic rocks


The results show that thermoluminescent anomalies, whose two edges are higher and the middle is lower, indicate the uranium deposit, the rapidity step of natural voltage indicates the transitive section of oxidation-reduction.


In catalytic cracking, the enlarged space in which hot oil is contacted and cracked with the catalyst; in isomerization, the vessel containing catalyst in which the hydrocarbon is isomerized; in alkylation plants, the vessel containing emulsified acid in which most of the alkylation occurs.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
