英语人>网络例句>炎症 相关的搜索结果


与 炎症 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results In the medium and high dose F0 groups, it was observed that the atrophy and incrassation of seminiferous tubule, decrease of spermatogenesis, hyperplasia of interstitial tissue, especially in high dose groups spermatozoon abnormality and nucleolus concentration in the rats testis after DU ingestion for 14 months. The changes became more severe with the prolongation of DU ingestion. Such changes occurred in filial rats (F1) after DC ingestion for 5 months. In the medium and high dose F0 groups, it was observed that a little atrophy of kidney glomerulus, hyperplasia of interstitial tissue after DC ingestion for 14 months, and kidney glomerulus fibrosis happened after DC ingestion for 20 months, such changes occurred in filial rats (F1) after DC ingestion for 5 months In the medium and high dose F0 groups, splenic germinal center and periarterial lymphatic sheaths were hyperplasia , companies with lymphopoiesis after DC ingestion for 7 months, splenic white pulp became more small and sparse after DC ingestion for 20 months.

结果 F0代的中、高剂量组大鼠摄入贫铀14个月后可见雄性的精曲小管萎缩,管壁增厚呈空虚网状,生精细胞层次减少,间质细胞增生,但仍见有精子生成;高剂量组可见到精子呈异型性改变,细胞核浓缩深染,且随着摄入时间延长改变愈趋明显;F1代大鼠摄入贫铀5个月后就有上述改变且更为严重。F0代中、高剂量组大鼠摄入贫铀14个月后肾小球轻度萎缩,间质增生明显,20个月时肾小球萎缩纤维化;F1代大鼠摄入贫铀5个月后就有上述改变。F0代中、高剂量组摄入贫铀7个月时脾脏生发中心和淋巴鞘增生,淋巴母细胞增生活跃,20个月时脾小体减少,生发中心稀疏;F1代大鼠摄入贫铀早期和晚期有类似改变。F0和F1代高剂量组摄入贫铀早期肝脏有炎症细胞浸润,晚期骨髓有核细胞减少,脂肪细胞增加。

The phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by phagocytes is physiologic and "silent". In this way the apoptotic cells never has a chance to lyse and release pro-inflammation molecules to the extracellular space.


METHODS: Escherichia coli genomic DNA was extracted and purified from Escherichia coli 25922 by alkaline lysis method.


WE can inhibit the abnormal increase of NO, lysozyme and cytokines IL-6 in acute inflammatory tissue fluid.


Background : The current paradigm for the pathogenesis of COPD includes an ultimately maladaptive local inflammatory response to environmental stimuli.


What we're finding in insects is that they become obese when parasites cause inflammation that affects metabolism," said Marden."That seems akin to what's happening in humans when they get type-2 diabetes. It's not because there's been a change in the genetic composition of the population. it's because something has changed in our enironment.

我们发现的是当昆虫体内的寄生虫触发可以影响代谢的炎症反应时,昆虫发胖了" Marden说,"患有2型糖尿病的人似乎与这种发现相似,并不是人群中的遗传组成发生了改变,而是体内环境发生了改变。

In Marden and Schilder's dragonflies, the reerse happens. Parasitic infection triggers an inflammatory response and immediate changes in metabolism.

在Marden 和Schilder所研究的蜻蜓,情况却恰恰相反,寄生虫感染触发了炎症反应及代谢改变。

Objective To investigate the Modulation of mast cell proteainse activated receptor expression by IL-6 and it's mechanism of inflammation.


Usually mastitis is an acute condition, which means it is a short period of inflammation.


MEADOWSWEET One of the most sacred therapeutic herbs in Celtic tradition and recommended in ancient Ayurvedic medicine for pain and stomach complaints, meadowsweet is now recognized as a rich source of inflammation modulating salicylic acid.

MEADOWSWEET的一个最神圣的治疗,凯尔特传统草药,并建议在古代阿育吠陀医学的痛苦和胃的投诉, meadowsweet现在是公认的丰富的炎症调节水杨酸。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
