英语人>网络例句>炎症 相关的搜索结果


与 炎症 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Croup is an inflammation of the larynx, trachea and bronchi.


Chronic bronchitis refers to inflammation and often infection of the bronchia, manifested by persistent, sputum-producing cough.


Plasma levels of AM were significantly increased in patients of acute attack of asthma ,which probably played an important role in dilating bronchia and supressing airway inflammation.


Exterior PS could relieve spasm of bronchiole smooth muscle and alleviate airway inflammation.


Due to ozone can cause upper respiratory tract inflammation, injury terminal bronchiole epithelial cilia, thus weakening the defense of the upper respiratory tract, so long-term exposure to a certain concentration of ozone is also easy to secondary upper respiratory tract infection.


Severe nonspecific airway inflammation is demonstrated in asthmatic patients with sudden death. Lesions of the left ventricle and mucous plug in bronchiole may contribute to the main cause leading sudden death.


Inflammatory cell infiltration and bronchiolitis severity were significantly reduced ofter administration of E. globulus oil. Especially in 300 mg·kg -1 treated rats,there were significant decreases of mucin content in BALF and MUC5ac expression in trachea and bronchiole epithelium. Optical density and mucins area% detected by image analysis system were apparently lower than those in model group. Conclusion: E.

各给药组经不同浓度蓝桉油灌胃后能减少中性粒细胞及淋巴细胞的浸润,降低炎症程度;尤其是蓝桉油高剂量组(300 mg·kg-1),能明显减少灌洗液中黏蛋白含量,使气管和细支气管上皮内黏蛋白MUC5ac表达的阳性染色区域和程度明显减轻,通过图像分析系统测得的吸光度值和黏蛋白面积%均明显低于模型组。

The percentage of Clara cells in the bronchiolar epithelium and PMN was determined in the broncho alveolar lavage fluid.

目的 探讨机械通气对大鼠肺组织中CC10蛋白表达的影响及CC10对肺炎症反应的影响。

Ravan Napas can reduce the expression of ICAM 1 and HO 1 on broncho epithelial cells and thus inhibits the aggregation of the inflammatory cells and the release of the inflammatory media, as a result leads to less inflammation of bronchia. Such inhibitory way might be one of the possible mechanisms of Ravan Napas in treating asthma.

纳气平喘颗粒通过调节支气管上皮细胞ICAM 1和HO 1的表达,可抑制炎性细胞在气道内聚集及其炎性介质的释放,减少气道变应性炎症,这可能是纳气平喘颗粒治疗哮喘病的部分机制。

It is valuable to notice that 3 patients with p53 gene mutation merely presented as bronchial inflamation in bronchoscopy.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
