英语人>网络例句>炎症 相关的搜索结果


与 炎症 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

WE could debase the permeability of capillary vessel of inflammatory tissue in some degree, and show a complete inhibitory effect on the edemas induced by Freund"s adjuvant complete and there is no obvious inhibitory effect found on edemas induced by carrageenan; WE indicates an obvious protective effect on the "twice-hit animal model of acute lung injury in rats induced, by oleic acid and lipopolysaccharide from lung edema. It also shows an excellent inhibition function on the chronic granuloma as well.

结果表明: 1。工蜂胎的水提物能够在一定程度上降低炎症区域毛细血管的通透性,能够抑制完全弗氏佐剂引起的炎性肿胀,对角叉菜胶引起的炎性肿胀效果不明显,对油酸加LPS两次打击所致大鼠急性肺损伤有明显的保护作用,能对抗肺水肿的产生;对慢性炎症具有显著的抑制作用。

Objective: To observe the influence of high and low flux hemodialysis on microinflammatory state in maintenance hemodialysis patients, to study the function of high flux hemodialysis on of microinflammatory state maintenance hemodialysis patients.


However, it is not actually right. Sebum suffers from acne stick-shape bacteria, egg-shape spore bacteria, and staphylococcus, then hydrolyze the glycerin three fattiness, giving birth to many dissociate fatty acids, which can make cilia and its surroundings have non-particularity-inflammation reactions. When the cilia wall micro-breakdown and dissociate fatty acid interring into hypodermis, the inflammation reaction gets worse.


It also reduces the concentration of molecules that promote inflammation in response to irritants such as smoke.


Moreover, in order to make clear whether IV infection touches off the cause and its pathogenesis of artherosclerosis inflammatory reaction. The study also uses IV of type A1 and A3 to infect repeatedly Jimpy mice with E gene defect, to observe AS histology change of Jimpy mice aorta and detect the change of IV antibody and inflammatory reaction medium (eg.TNF-α, IL-1) in Jimpy mice serum and express of monocyte chemotactic factor( MCF-1) and nuclear factor kB in Jimpy mice aorta tissue .


Results: To directly examine the role of IL-10 in allergen-induced pulmonary inflammation, we analyzed cellular components in the bronchoalveolar lavages of each group.

我们构建了 hIL八 0的原核表达载体 pBADlhIL—10,并且发现外源性rhIL—10可以抑制小鼠支气管肺泡灌洗液中 IL—5的产生,这可能是由于 IL—10具有抑制炎症细胞在炎症局部浸润的特性。

Potential mimickers of an atypical presentation of nephrolithiasis include appendicitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cyst and/or torsion, pyelonephritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and aortic disease.


Especially compared with Western medicine,there are obvious advantages in reducing the side effect,and preventing from recuring.


Results: In the early phase of the diseases, both showed abnormal X-ray manifestations with normal or reduced white blood cells. But mucosal changes in pharynxes were different in confirmed and suspicious patients. All suspicious SARS patients had an obvious pharyngeal inflammation including a lot lymphoid follicles over soft palates, and showed a good response to the treatment with antibiotics and antiviral drugs in one week. In contrast, seven confirmed SARS did not have an obvious pharyngitis.The clinical symptoms did not been improved ,but had been deteriorated at day 10 after the onset after antibiotic and antiviral treatment.

结果:临床诊断及疑诊SARS病例临床初期均有白细胞下降或正常,以及胸部χ线异常,但两者咽部黏膜表现有所不同,1 3例疑似病例均有明显的咽部炎症,淋巴滤泡密集覆盖软腭,经抗菌、抗病毒治疗后1周内好转,7例临床诊断SARS病例咽部炎症不明显,经抗菌、抗病毒治疗后临床症状未见明显好转,且多在病程1 0 d后加重。

Results Group C had the symptoms such as reduced activity, acceded, indulge in lying and weight loss after 3 weeks of immune injection, 14 out of 16 SD rats in Group B had the same symptoms as Group C after 4~5 weeks of immune injection, the serum enzymes in model groups increased significantly compared with those of the control group, model group C was much higher than model group B; the duration shorted, amplitude decreased, multiphase wave increased in electromyogram of model groups; MRI examination revealed samples from model group B and C had one positive case each, which presented T1MI isodensity or hypodensity signal, T2MI and STIR serial hyperdensity signal, revealing muscle inflammation; all rats'skeletal muscle from model group C and 11 out of model group B had pathological changes, which exhibited striated muscle focal fiber degeneration, necrotized and inflammatory cell infiltration, interstitial vessel wall thickening, random cardiac muscle samples had 3 positive changes, which had similar changes to skeletal muscle, there was 1 positive change from lung sample.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
