英语人>网络例句>灭绝的 相关的搜索结果


与 灭绝的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ornithologist John Gould told him the birds he had studied on the Galapagos Islands were perfectly adapted to the island environment. Palaeontologist Richard Owen told him the fossils he had found were of extinct relatives of South American animals living today.


If the new skull is from a female rather than a male, the canines are ess striking? and more in line with those of living and extinct apes, says paleoanthropologist Carol Ward of the University of Missouri, Columbia.

哥伦比亚市密苏里大学的人类学家Carol Ward指出,如果这副新发现的头骨来自于一个雌性,而不是雄性个体,那么它的犬齿就不那么令人吃惊了,而是和现存及灭绝的猿类更一致。

稀有物种,生境损失和灭绝(V1) Founder effect This term describes the establishment of a new population by one or a few individual, resulting in low levels of genetic variation and often a disproportionate number of alleles that are rate in the parent population.

Genetic bottleneck 建立者效应建立者效应描述由一个或几个个体建立新种群,导致低水平的遗传变异和在亲本种群中稀少的等位基因的经常不成比例的数量。

The second was the Convention on Biological Diversity to address the growing evidence of massive and planetwide species extinction at the hands of human activity


When extinction comes for humankind, it will be with nasty, big, pointy teeth.


Thus, flowering plant species dependent on insect pollination, as opposed to self-pollination or wind pollination, could be endangered when the population of insect-pollinators is depleted by the use of pesticides.


With American botanist cypress apply reach Halier, the really beautiful doctrine that British botanist breaths out Qin Song to be a delegate thinks the flower of angiosperm is come by evolution of ball of leaf of primitive gymnospermous bisexual spore, consequently tentative idea angiosperm is the Benneisu that in coming from gymnosperm, eradicates already iron eye, draft Su Tie especially , the bud on ball of its spore leaf piece evolve for perianth, sporule leaf evolves for stamen, big spore leaf evolves for pistil , axis of ball of its spore leaf shortens for rachis.


The name comes from two common members — the extinct elephant-like Stegodon and the bear-like giant panda, Ailuropoda.


The shapes of some trilobite lenses, in fact, match those derived by optical scientists over 300 million years later to answer similar needs.


Praxis apparently played host to the largest of these, and Lang, to name one, has speculated that the Pits not only gave rise to extinct creatures, but succeeded in regressing the entire planet to a formative stage of destructive vulcanism.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
