英语人>网络例句>火灾 相关的搜索结果


与 火灾 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The hotel is a firetrap and is not insurable.


Insert the system diskes in the left and right flexible disk driver.


Fire detecting technology is an effective way to forestall fire.


The technical problems, about shortage of separation distance, the feasibility of high-rise polymerization factory building, the fire separation and explosion-proof design of polymerization factory building, the selecting and arrangement of water spraying extinguishing system nozzle, the establishment of deluge system valve, and the essentiality of water spraying extinguishing system which is to be established to protect the VCM gasholder, the positioning of water curtain settled under the space which connect the PVC pack house and pack department and how long the system continue operate? The selecting and the quantity of fire extinguishing agent about gas extinguishing system, which will be used in the new 35KV switch station and some rooms including cabinet room, primary control room, UPS room, voltage changer room, belong to new polymerization power panel and UPS station. Designing the model of power supply and distribution for fire-fighting and designing the hardware organization, software, model of data transmission and fire gang control logic programmer about automatic fire alarm system. Making certain the grade of release source point in the fire or explosive atmosphere and delimiting different grade explosion-proof space. Selecting correct explosion-proof construction of electrical apparatus and delimiting the class of building lightning protection, putting forth the concert steps to deal with thunder stroke and electrostatic discharge and so on, have been deeply researched in the process of designing and then the concert steps to deal with them have been putted forth.


This paper is studying how to inspect forest fire from ground and to transmit fire signal to the observer through wireless sensor network.


The bane argues to know data Endanger an effect healthily:NONE The environment influence:NONE The physics and chemistry bane:NONE Special bane:The AZO-FREE passes the ICP method analysis test to have no related of lead over 100 ppms, Ge over 5 ppms 9.5 a fires and the explosion danger The order:Obsolescent Combustible extreme limit(the air lie quality:Vol%):non-combustible product Apply to extinguish fire:The water,water sprays fog,carbon dioxide,the stem powder to extinguish fire a ,foam to extinguish fire The special sex protection equipments of the fire fighter:Need to go together with to take the goggle and anti-virus mask Very the rules a fire and the explosion danger:When the temperature hoick, the product meeting because of hot bulge cold but cause to open 9.6 Respond sex Stability:Under the normal regulations condition stability Environment should avert from:The water immerse,affect by damp and cold,clear fire perhaps the temperature is high in 500 ℃s Incompatibility:Have no Dangerous of decline a solution an outcome:Have no Dangerous polymer reaction:Will not take place 9.7 health dangers Dangerous way:Inhale, take, the skin and eyes get in touch with solid perhaps dust-The physics contact may result in allergic sex respond.

危害辩识资料健康危害效应:NONE 环境影响:NONE 物理性及化学性危害:NONE 特殊危害:AZO-FREE 通过ICP方法分析测试无相关之铅超过100ppm,镉超过5ppm 9.5火灾和爆炸危险闪点:不适用可燃极限:不燃物品适用灭火剂:水、水喷雾、二氧化碳、干粉灭火剂、泡沫灭火剂消防人员之特别性防护设备:需配带护目镜和防毒面具非常规火灾和爆炸危险:当温度急剧上升时,产品会由于热胀冷缩而导致开裂 9.6 反应性稳定性:在常规条件下稳定应避开的环境:水浸、受潮、明火或者温度高于500℃不相容性:无危险的降解产物:无危险的聚合物反应:不会发生 9.7健康危险危险方式:吸入,摄取,皮肤和眼睛接触固体或者灰尘----物理接触可能造成过敏性反应。

A fireman walks past burning brush in a forest fire, in Marcalain, near to Pamplona, northern Spain on Wednesday July 22, 2009 - a day after four fire fighters died and two others were seriously injured in another fire in Horta de Sant Joan.

一名消防员走过去燃烧刷在森林火灾,在Marcalain ,近到潘普洛纳,西班牙北部星期三2009年7月22日-前一天, 4个消防人员死亡,另外两人受重伤另一火灾奥尔塔圣琼。

With an increase in fire accidents, smoke inhalation of carbon monoxide and hydrocyanic acid has become the main reason of cyanide poisoning nowadays.


The environment change of plateau has brought about a new topic on the fire prevention and control,which urgently needs us to study the combustion characteristics and gas properties under the plateau environment of hyperpiesia and hypoxia in Tibet and provide a scientific basis for the prevention and early detection for fires in Tibetan Plateau.


They are as follows: The basic theory for zone fire risk evaluation was established; the nature and content of fire risk assessment were analyzed and its hypostasis was given.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
