英语人>网络例句>激活的 相关的搜索结果


与 激活的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Through his photographic reenactment of history, though his return to the historical stage, his footsteps touch on our memories, stimulating our consideration of reality.


In which T k is the mean kinetic temperature; D H is the heat of activation, 83.144 kJ·mole 1 (unless more accurate information is available from experimental studies); R is the universal gas constant, 8.3144 × 10 3 kJ·mole 1 ·degree 1; T 1 is the value for the temperature recorded during the first time period, e.g., the first week; T 2 is the value for the temperature recorded during the second time period, e.g., second week; and T n is the value for the temperature recorded during the nth time period, e.g., nth week, n being the total number of storage temperatures recorded (minimum of 52 weekly entries) during the annual observation period.


Biopolymer active center elements are the composition of the alimental organism and the primary inherent cause of catalysis and activation, their ingestion, accumulation, transportation and distribution have relation to the biological function of the organism, so we can predict the characteristics of the elemental distribution by the fourth statistical mechanics founded by Professor Jin and further study the biological function of the organism with diet therapy effect.


Objective:The study mainly utilize the raphanus which is a edible Chinese officinal herb and has little side-effect, easily accepted, steadly effect, and so on, to exploit its pharmacological value on gastrointestinal motility. By observing the effects of the crude extract of radishon the electrogastrogram,gastric emptying and small bowel peristalsis activity of the rats in vivo ,the effects of Ecr on gastrointestinal motility could be manifested. Furthermore, the contrast study about the effects of gastrointestinal motility was also observed among Ecr domperidone and prepulsid. The mechanism was explored by observing Ecr on the expression of Fos protein of the dorsal vagal complex.

目的:本研究主要利用十字花科萝卜属植物白萝卜作为食源性中药,具有副作用少、易被接受、作用稳定等特点,通过白萝卜提取物(The crude extract of radish,Ecr)对在体大鼠胃排空、肠推进、胃电活动的观察,并与经典的促胃肠动力药物进行对比观察,研究提取物对大鼠胃肠动力的作用;进一步通过研究提取物对大鼠中枢支配胃运动的迷走复合体(Dorsal vagal complex,DVC)中Fos蛋白表达的影响,从而反映DVC被激活的情况,来探讨白萝卜提取物促进胃肠动力的机制,从而为其在胃肠动力相关的功能性疾病的治疗上的应用提供实验基础和理论依据。

Cell lines were co-tranfected with bi-plasmids and cultured at 1% O〓 condition, luciferase assay demonstrated that all of the expression systems with different domains could be hypoxia-activated. GAL-CAD achieved more than 100-fold induction in A549 cell and more than 40-fold in HepG2; expression level of the system markedly increased after addition of glycin arm, almost 10-fold enhancement in HepG2 cell. Because basic expression also increased, the induction fold by hypoxia decreased.


Mice immunized with DeltaF co-formulated with CpG ODN, indolicidin, and polyphosphazene (DeltaF/CpG/indol/PP) developed higher levels of DeltaF-specific serum IgG, IgG1, and IgG2a antibodies when compared to DeltaF alone, and displayed an increase in the frequency of IFN-gamma-secreting cells and decreased IL-5 production by in vitro re-stimulated splenocytes, characteristic of a Th1 immune response.

用DeltaF与CpG ODN, indolicidin,聚磷腈配合使用来免疫的小鼠与单独使用DeltaF相比,产生了更高水平的DeltaF特异性免疫血清 IgG, IgG1,和 IgG2a抗体,并表现出伽马干扰素分泌细胞频率的增加,以及通过体外重新激活的脾细胞降低的IL-5产量,这些都是Th1型免疫应答的性质。

According to John Fiske, the text refers to television text in particular as it is mostly the representation of the popular culture. In Fiske's point of view, the text is an activated one, in which is of multi-level as well, and it is definitely not a "writerly text" but a "producerly text", characterized by its intertextuality and polysemy.


Approach is not only the sterotype of the theory of ideological and political education, but also the generalization of the concrete experience of ideological and political education, and thus it constructs the tie and the bridge connecting the theory and practice of ideological and political education, which forms the inherent intergrowth orgnic whole containing the educator,the education target, the education object and education enviroment so as to decide the practics system of "subjective input" and "selective activation".


Moreover, it was discovered that Pycnogenol?'s action is not restricted to neutralising UV-induced free radicals developing in the skin: Pycnogenol? anti-inflammatory action diminishes further damage caused by activated immune cells to the skin.


The beta subunit of high voltage-activated Ca channels targets the pore forming α1 subunit to the plasma membrane and defines the biophysical phenotype of the Cav channel complex.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
