英语人>网络例句>激活 相关的搜索结果


与 激活 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

As noted above,membrane-stabilizers unexpectedly improved the heart function andprevented ER stress both in vivo and in cultured cells.We know that the membranestability depends on the sodium homeostasis in fact.To investigate whether ER stress isassociated with sodium channel action,which determins the membrane stability,wepretreated H9c2(2-1) cells with veratridine,a sodium channel activator.


After 2 and 4 weeks of the treatments, the abdominal cavities were reopened and the adhesive severity was graded blindly according to the bhatia's method. the dital end of vermiform processes were resected for hydroxyproline, tissue-type plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor measurements, and the peritoneal fluid was collected for t-pa and pai measurements.

处理后2周和4周后打开腹腔,以bhatia分级法评定蚓突盲端的粘连程度,并对盲端组织行羟脯胺酸(hydroxyproline,ohp)、组织型纤溶酶原激活剂(tissue-type plasminogen activatior,t-pa)和纤溶酶原激活物抑制因子(plasminogen activator inhibitor,pai)水平测定,对腹腔液行t-pa、pai测定。

Protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation and zymogen activation are two very important regulation mechanism for enzyme activity and function.


Normally MMPs exist as zymogen in the inactive form and their modulations are controlled at multi-levels.


The study, led by Benjamin Alman from the Hospital For Sick Children, Toronto, investigated the role of the beta-catenin signaling pathway, which activates T cell factor -dependent gene transcription, and which is known to have a key regulatory role in embryonic skeletal development.

这一研究的主要负责人是来自加拿大多伦多儿童医院的Benjamin Alman,他的小组主要研究了beta-catenin信号路径的作用,这一分子信号主要负责激活和T细胞因子相关的基因转录,而科学家们已经知道以上这一激活过程对于胚胎期间的骨骼形成起着关键的调控作用。

Wenxin capsule can promote endolethial cells releasing CO and synthesing 〓, enhance activity of HO, induce angiectasis through activating guanylic cyclase and adenglate cyclate of intracellar of vessel smooth muscle cell to enhance content of intracellar cGMP and AMP. 3. Wenxin capsule can inhibit releasing of platelet activiting factor 〓 which inhibit platelet aggregation and have antithrombosis function. 4. Wenxin capsule can promote activity of t-PA, reduce activity of PAI-1, strengthen fibrinolytic function, therefore inhibit fibrin disposition. 5. Wenxin capsule can inhibit synthesis of smooth muscle cellular DNA. Its function don't kill it directly but prevent transformation from period Go to peried S. 6. Wenxin capsule is an effective prescription of anti-coronary atherosclerosis atherosis. The results of image pattern analysis tastifies that area of lipid plaque in treating group reduce 54% and 58% in contrast with that in control group. The results of light, electro- microscopy show that structure of endolethial cell and smooth muscle cell in treating group is more integral than that in control group.

其作用机制之一是由于该药具有良好的调脂降脂作用,其不仅能明显降低血清LDL-c及升高HDL-c含量,且能有效阻止TC沉积于血管壁,从而保护内皮细胞结构完整;此外,温心胶囊尚具有明显的抗氧化作用,该药不仅能明显降低血浆LPO含量,且能提高SOD活性,同时其对血红素在细胞内代谢的调节作用也参与了抗氧化过程。2 温心胶囊能明显促进内皮细胞释放CO及合成〓,提高HO活性,通过激活血管平滑肌细胞内鸟苷酸环化酶及腺苷酸环化酶引起细胞内cGMP、AMP浓度增加而引起血管舒张。3 温心胶囊能明显抑制血小板激活因子〓的释放,从而抑制血小板聚集,抗血栓形成。4 温心胶囊能明显提高t-PA活性,降低PAI-1活性,增强纤溶功能,从而抑制纤维蛋白沉积。5 温心胶囊能明显抑制平滑肌细胞DNA合成,其抑制作用不是直接杀伤抑制,而是阻止细胞由Go期向S期转化。6 温心胶囊是抗冠状动脉粥样硬化的有效制剂,图象分析结果证实,该药治疗组脂斑面积比对照组缩小了54%和58%,光电镜结果显示内皮细胞及平滑肌细胞结构较为完整。

Methods The level of serum and urinary tissue-type plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAT-1) were measured in 38 patients with chronic glomerulonephritis, 28 patients with nephropathy syndrome, 36 patients with chronic renal failure and 20 healthy subjects by means of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assary. The relationship among urinary t-PA, PAI-l and serum t-PA, PAT-1, urinary protein, serum creatinine were also observed. Results Levels of serum t-PA, PAI-1 in chronic kidney diseases increased remarkably compared with control group.


And proved that there is CBF gene expression-regulated pathway and transcriptional cascade leading to the expression of cold-responsive genes under cold stress in Capsella bursa-pastoris, which Cbice53 activate the expression of Cbcbf and Cbcbf activate transcription of Cbcor15b and the CbLos2 had a indirect and important regulatory function in controlling cold-responsive genes expression under low temperature like the same pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana.


The activation and suitability testing showed negative results. It is concluded these bait vectors can be used to screen Carica papaya proteins interacting with viral proteins relating to papaya ringspot virus movement from cDNA library.


Celite activation markedly attenuated TFPI-mediated effects on coagulation kinetics, whereas TF activation accentuated TFPI-mediated prolongation of clot initiation and diminution of propagation.

硅藻土激活显著的弱 TFPI-介导的对凝血影响,然而 TF 激活强 TFPI-介导的延长凝血启和 TFPI-介导的血块增殖减少。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
