英语人>网络例句>滥用 相关的搜索结果


与 滥用 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But if we don't also protect consumers from predatory lending, there are plenty of smaller players — both small banks and the nonbank "mortgage originators" responsible for many of the worst subprime abuses — that will step in and fill the gap.


The FBI, already taking flak for the abuse of national security letters used to spy on Americans, admitted to The Washington Post today that its agents repeatedly provided inaccurate information to win secret court approval of surveillance warrants in terrorism and espionage cases.


When we closed our doors, you smuggled drugs to open markets.


The ombudsman investigates complaints about misuse of authority without fear or favour.


The spokesman let fly at the local government for the misuse of power in residence demolition.


Of course, because some people abuse the child's body and parade from stem to stern in the geegaws who will be very easy to find in the table in front of a motel in groups that semen stains on his religious imagery ...


These 6 kinds of behavior basically have: It is the money other people that receives advertisement to manage personnel, advertiser to send; 2 be have advertisement money thing with all sorts of means, include to stock advertisement money small exchequer or individual account, will develop the objective glom on to that supports advertisement fund; 3 be those who use a post help ad firm seek profit; 4 it is the part-time job takes fulfil; 5 it is not to get supervisory misuse of authority, the individual said to calculate; 6 be use a post, allow company of ad of open of relatives and friends from which seek expedience.


But through the abuse of granting abbeys in commendam to seculars, it has become a polite title for all secular clerics, even seminarists in Italy, and especially in France, whereas all religious who are priests are addressed as "Father".

但是,通过滥用给予修道院中commendam以seculars ,它已成为一个有礼貌的标题为所有世俗的神职人员,甚至seminarists在意大利,尤其是在法国,而所有宗教都是神甫谁是解决&父亲&。

It is also the most abused one.


He has abused my confidence in him .


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
