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与 滞留 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The peristalsis that bowel drives far side of alvine content content reduce a bacterium to be in the detention time with alvine local mucous membrane, reduce a bacterium to cross the opportunity of mucus layer, also remove bowel to from clean action.


The results revealed that iontophoresis could significantly improve the penetration of SLN. The fluorescence of images indicated that the accumulation and the depth of QDs-SLN reached in skin increased with times. Anodal delivery of QDs-SLN resulted in a higher accumulation of QDs-SLN in skin than those of cathodal delivery. Furthermore, the vertical images of skin showed that fluorescence assemble in follicle and dermis, indicating that follicle and the junctions between the corneocyte clusters provide the pathway for SLN penetration into skin.


Methods With deltamethrin impregnated bednets and alphamethrin residual spraying and bednet impregnation to control malaria vectors,observe the change of density of An anthropophagous and Ansinensis and malaria incidence and calculate the costs.


Deltamethrin imˉpregnated bednets can effectively decrease the density of An anthropophagous to control malaria and can save0.58Yuan per person compared with alphamethrin residual spraying and bednet impregnation.


Results Compared with control areas,density of An anthropophagous deˉcreased by57.85%~100%and An sinensis decreased by27.06%~86.05%;the malaria incidence decreased by27.32%~100%.Cost calculation:the cost was0.59Yuan per person with deltamethrin bednet impregnation and1.17Yuan with deltamethrin impregnated bednets and alphamethrin residual spraying.

结果 实验区与对照区相比,嗜人按蚊密度下降57.85%~100%,中华按蚊密度下降27.06%~86.05%;疟疾发病下降27.32%~100%;以人均花费进行成本核算,溴氰菊酯浸帐灭蚊的费用为0.59元/人,溴氰菊酯浸帐加人群活动场所氯氰菊酯滞留喷洒灭蚊的费用为1.17元/人。

Spinal arachnoiditis is a rare disease. However, it would lead to severe disability. The most common causes of SA are post-myelographied retention of pantopaque and complications of spinal operations. The most common anatomical level is addressed to the lumbar spine.


The introduction of nonlinear advection into the model weakens the intensifying of maximum tangential wind with relative to the initial disturbance azimuthally wave numbers and intensity .2 An f-plane quasi-geostrophic barotropic vorticity equation model of high resolution is designed in this paper in order to investigate the characters of vorticity propagation and the effect of nonlinearity on the propagation within a typhoon circulation, wherein two mesoscale vortices coexist at different radial positions.


With its remedial effects and good property, the carrier of natural aborable and non-poisonons, innocuous bletilla hyacinthine gum is of better value in clinical application than pure chemical carrier that had previously been used.


"Often they are house spirits, and in those cases the only way to get rid of them is to move...The more frustrated the family becomes, the more fun the boggart has." pp. 33-34


Under the condition of non-vanishing perturbation, sufficient conditions for guaranting the uniformly boundness and uniformly ultimate boundness of system's solution are derived.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
