英语人>网络例句>渗流 相关的搜索结果


与 渗流 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Both both me plant and international a dozen or more home in the front rank electric heater manufacturing company unfold recurrenting exchange visits exchange of know-how,per annum time after time head for abroad advance electric heater manufactory and look into ,study combine drink in abroad advanced industry electric heater manufacturing engineering AND production run, technical skill, electric heater dedication spare improve on technology, product replacement and update technology,take me plant industry electric heater product soever at variety type, kiln strain renewal, underpinning advancement, spare manufacturing engineering advancement, manufacturing engineering automation, loading pattern AND discharge basket manufacturing engineering approach, wds brasque power-saving technology, ceramic fiber wave stack normal height prick suspended ceiling technique, non-oxidation shielding gas atmosphere, carburize, nitride, salt bath, saltpetre salt austemper, precision heat treater art, flow equalization temperature equalization recuperation asymmetry oil quenching bath manufacturing engineering, microcomputer procedure heat treatment cycle curve control warm up grade spectrrm,in a position to and internationally advance industry electric heater manufacturing engineering held in.


Many researchers have determined and estimated tree transpiration by using the methods of rapid weighting, steady-state porometer, photosynthesis system, whole-tree photometer, ventilated chamber, weighting potted-plant, sap flow measurements, lysimeter, water balance, energy balance, Bowen ratio, eddy covariance, Penman-monteith Method, and remote sensing.


The male and female rats (n=15, respectively) were randomly divided into three groups, and Fluoro-Ruby, a fluorescent tracer, was stereotaxically injected into the ventromedial hypothalamus, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and posterodorsal nucleus of the amygdale by iontophoresis, respectively.Five days later, the rats were perfused, and the sections containing SDN-POA region and site of injection were cut on a freezing microtome.the sections were viewed to assess extent of tracer deposition in the injection site and to reveal the EGFP or Fluoro-Ruby fluorescence in SDN-POA under fluorescence microscope.

雌、雄性大鼠(各15只)随机各分成3组,分别通过离子电渗法将示踪剂Fluoro-Ruby注入下丘脑腹内侧核(VMH、终纹床核、杏仁核后背侧核。5 d后,灌流固定鼠脑,做冷冻冠状切片,荧光显微镜下确定示踪剂注入位置,并观察SDN-POA绿色荧光和Fluoro-Ruby标记荧光。

The results shows: the energy of elastici,disolved-gas drive and edge water drive in reservoir is plenty, but the physical properties of reservor are poor,crude oil viscosity is low and mobility is big, so it is difficult to develop by injecting waer.


Under intense erosion condition,soilmoisture wavily changes with increasing of slope length.


It is shown by the results of observation and analysis on the tests of water collection and saving utilization of hillside orchards located in the gullied rolling loess area that to build two encircling water collection works in the orchard to store excess rain.


In this study,the muscarinic current was induced by carbachol(50 umol/ L) or GTPYB(0.5 mmol/L).The results showed that hyposmotic superfusate(202mOsmol/ L) increased carbachol-induced current by 145士27%and increased GTPYS-induced current by 183士30%;but in the presence of cytochalasirr B(cyt- B,20 umol/ L),an actin cytoskeleton disrupter,posmotic membrane stretch increased 1CC6 by 70士6%.However,hypos motic membrane tretch induced increase in 1CC6 was potentiated to 545士81% by phalloidin(20 umol/ L),an actin microfilament stabilizer.

当豚鼠胃窦平滑肌细胞的膜电位钳制在一20 m V时,灌流液中50umol/ L卡巴胆碱(carbachol , CCh)或电极内液中0.5 mmol/L GTPYS均可引导毒覃碱电流,2 m Os mol/ L分别使其增加145士27%和183士30;当电极内液中加入20 umol/ L的细胞松弛B时,低渗牵张使1 cce只增加70士6;而电极内液中加入20 umol/ L的鬼笔环肤则使Icce增加了545士81。

The solution percolates down through the ore, where it leaches the gold and flows to a central collection location.


The membrane stretch induced by superfusing the smooth muscle cells with hyposmotic bath solution enhanced voltage-operated calcium current and activated inward holding current.


To form clinkers in burning.Sicilians gathered on the slopes of Mount Etna to pray last night as a river of orange-black lava oozed towards the mounds of earth protecting a tourist resort.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


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