英语人>网络例句>渐近的 相关的搜索结果


与 渐近的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So, the timing of terrestrial strata can be defined from Eocene to Oligocene in Paleogene.


Epicalyx segments linear or deltate and keeled, ca. as long as sepals; sepals deltate with acute to shortly acuminate apex

副萼片线或者三角形和翻转,与萼片近等长;萼片三角形具锐尖的到短渐尖先端 6

In recent years , though, a growing trend is to put preschooler s in a day care center so Mom can work.


Inflorescence subcapitate, with several subpersistent, basal imbricate inflorescence bracts; leaf blade 8–11 × 3–4.5 cm, apex abruptly acuminate; branch and leaf blade densely setiferous.

花序近头状,具数个,基部覆瓦状花序苞片;叶片 8-11 * 3-4.5 厘米,先端突然渐尖;浓密的分枝和叶片具刚毛。 60 Vaccinium lanigerum 羽毛越桔

Sepals usually ovate, apex acuminate, margin entire or nearly so.


Leaves subsessile, spreading or slightly incurved, semiterete, apex acuminate.


Leaves subsessile, lanceolate, oblanceolate, or linear-lanceolate, densely silvery sericeous, base attenuate, apex acute to obtuse. Pedicel 1-2 mm.


Stems (10-)20-150 cm tall, subterete, with 2 raised strigillose lines on internodes; leaves ovate to oblong-lanceolate, apex acute or acuminate; petals 4.5-8 mm; fruiting pedicels 0.3-1.3 cm.

茎(10-)20-150厘米高,近圆柱状,具2凸起线关于节间;叶卵形的到长圆状披针形,先端锐尖或渐尖;花瓣4.5-8毫米;果梗0.3-1.3 厘米 18 E。 amurense 毛脉柳叶菜

Leaf blade 2.5-7 cm, apex acute or rounded, rarely subacuminate, blade often leathery

叶片2.5-7厘米,先端锐尖的或圆形,很少近渐尖,叶片通常革质 20 Cynanchum formosanum 台湾杯冠藤

Plants with a woody caudex; petals 5-6.5 mm; fruiting pedicels ascending; fruit 1.5-3(-3.5) cm, straight, subappressed to rachis, valve apex acute or acuminate

植株具一木质的块根;花瓣5-6.5毫米;果梗上升;果1.5-3(-3.5)厘米,直,近贴伏于轴,裂爿先端锐尖或渐尖 1 C。 crassifolia 高原芥

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Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
