英语人>网络例句>清醒起来 相关的搜索结果


与 清醒起来 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Secondly, if the morning of his eight 9:00, and after did not sleep, you wake your baby to 7:00, to speak, he said, touching the whole body massage, and then suck the breast, around 9:00 I think he should be trapped, if, sleep 1-2 hours, then close at noon, and then suck the breast, making a will, will be sleeping the afternoon between 4-6 points must let baby stay sober, so that he finished more than 7:00 after the milk definitely is trapped (at least my house is such a baby).


I snored myself awake and sat up abruptly to look around, embarrassed at myself.


It may end up looking like a mess of random thoughts and to-dos, but by writing them down you are clearing them out of your mind and resisting the urge to do them right now. This keeps you on the task at hand and allows you to have an action list for when you have free time.

这看起来可能像是一些零碎的想法和TODO List,但是通过记录你的想法,你可以更清醒地明确自己要干的事情,这会帮助你充分利用自己的时间完成规划好的工作。

If you have access or find almond oil, it is good for healthy skin while allowing you to smell fresh.


Just as Liam Gallagher remarked that BRMC deserved their early Oasis support slots because they 'dared to look like a rock'n'roll band' so Jet see rock music with a clarity only available to those who grew up five thousand miles away in Australia.

正如Liam Gallagher评论BRMC乐队是值得他们Oasis支持的,因为他们是真正看起来象支摇滚乐队。所以Jet对于摇滚乐有着清醒的认识。在澳大利亚,他们只接受那些5000英里远来的人的采访。

When I was myself again, Silver was standing with his crutchunder his arm, cleaning the blood from his knife with some grass.


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Each protein has its ownspecific function, bul its function is exerted only when it reacts or inieracts with other molecules in the living cells.


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