英语人>网络例句>清醒起来 相关的搜索结果


与 清醒起来 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And they came to Jesus, and saw the demoniac sitting there, clothed and in his right mind, the man who had the legion; and they were afraid.


And, he realized as he brought his own horse around to follow his commander, Khadgar had been right.


Tess sat up in bed, lost in a vague interspace between a dream and this information.


Open one's eyes; broaden one's horizon; be an eye-openerThe Chinese philosopher is one who dreams with one eye open, who views life with love and sweet irony, who mixes his cynicism with a kindly tolerance, and who alternately wakes up from life s dream and then nods again, feeling more alive when he is dreaming than when he is awake, thereby investing his waking life with a dream-world quality.


I ran into Sarah recently at a party, and she looked more radiant than ever, though quieter and calmer than I remembered her—five years clean, sober, and openhearted, rather than overwhelmingly impressive.

最近,我在一个派对上碰见了Sarah 她看起来比过去任何时候都要光鲜照人,虽然比我记忆中的她更安静、平静了。干干净净、清醒、直率,不是吸引力过度的五年。

This sounds ridiculous, absurd, savage, primitive, but if you really think about it sanely, if you give a few minutes of your real creative thought to it, you will see it is not so absurd as all that.


I couldn't get up,but I was wide awake.


Some lean back in majestic repose; others, absolutely sheer, or nearly so, for thousands of feet, advance their brows in thoughtful attitudes beyond their companions, giving welcome to storms and calms alike, seemingly conscious yet heedless of everything going on about them, awful in stern majesty, types of permanence, yet associated with beauty of the frailest and most fleeting forms; their feet set in pine groves and gay emerald meadows, their brows in the sky; bathed in light, bathed in floods of singing water, while snow-clouds, avalanches, and the winds shine and surge and wreathe about them as the years go by, as if into these mountain mansions Nature had taken pains to gather their choicest treasures to draw her lovers into close and confiding communion with her....


To pick the apple by jumping up doesn't mean to set a high goal blindly and impracticably and indulge oneself in empty dreams and empty words; on the contrary, it needs to maintain a clear mind, a rational concept, a scientific attitude, a sufficient knowldge, a pratical spirit, a firm will and a strong power, it means getting down to earth and marching persistently toward a higher goal setp by step.


We are sober-minded that without a legal environment for IPR protection China could not secure a development even in 100 years.


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