英语人>网络例句>清醒起来 相关的搜索结果


与 清醒起来 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ahamed Idris, MD, professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, told Medscape that the new training protocol directs dispatchers to ask if the patient is awake and conscious and if the patient is moving. The dispatcher then asks if the patient is breathing normally."Because agonal breathing often sounds like gasping or snoring, the dispatcher is then instructed to ask the 911 caller to tell the dispatcher when the next breath occurs. If there are 10 or more seconds between breaths, the dispatcher tells the caller to begin CPR," he said.

德州达拉斯德州大学南西分校医学中心Ahamed Idris医师向Medscape表示,新的训练流程将导引急救人员询问清醒的、以及仍有动作的病患;如果病患可以正常呼吸,急救人员接著询问各个问题;因为临终前呼吸通常听起来像喘气或是打呼,急救人员接著被教导要求拨打911的目击者通知急救人员,当下一次呼吸发生时,如果呼吸之间间隔10秒以上,急救人员告诉目击者开始CPR。

Calming down from grief, numerous artists take action by swift and general devotion of their beloved works for the charity auction, which represents the responsibility of a common citizen. Besides, such spontaneous almsdeed also reflects artists' sober conscience and selflessness in today's extremely prosperous art market.


Whenever I met one of them who seemed to me at all clear-sighted ,I tried the experiment of showing him my Drawing Number One,which I have always kept,I would try to find out,so,if this was a person of true understanding.


Upon these views I began to consider about putting the few rags Ihad, which I called clothes, into some order; I had worn out allthe waistcoats I had, and my business was now to try if I could notmake jackets out of the great watch-coats which I had by me, andwith such other materials as I had; so I set to work, tailoring, orrather, indeed, botching, for I made most piteous work of it.


The first many times I came around Lep was drunk, but when I 25 years later brought Danish TV along to make a do*****entary about my friends, he had sobered up.


The first many times I came around Lep was drunk, but when I 25 years later brought Danish TV along to make a 文档ary about my friends, he had sobered up.


The first many times I came around Lep was drunk, but when I 25 years later brought Danish TV along to make a documentar y about my friends, he had sobered up.


The first many times I came around Lep was dru nk , but when I 25 years later brought Danish TV along to make a documentary about my friends, he had sobered up.


His family in a rotten shack out in the woods. The first many times I camearound Lep was drunk, but when I 25 years later brought Danish TV along to make


Rotten shack out in the woods. The first many times I came around Lep was drunk,friends, he had sobered up.


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Each protein has its ownspecific function, bul its function is exerted only when it reacts or inieracts with other molecules in the living cells.


Since this polymorphism is distributed randomly during gamete formation, its association with stroke should not be biased or confounded.


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