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Berserker is first recorded in English in the early 19th century, long after these wild warriors ceased to exist.


Consider these two shots of New York City's Times Square. The first was taken during that magical 10-minute window. The second, just 10 minutes after that blue-sky window had closed.


The CC MRI findings are characterized mainly by:(1)frequently-encountered multiple circular foci during the cysticercus survival:small excentric spotty images of the mural cysticercus scolex :slightly high signs on T1WI and middle-lower signs on T2WI;lower signs on T1WI and high signs on T2WI of the capsular liquid;lower signs of the cerebrospinal fluid but relatively high signs of the capsular liquid on FLAIR;and unremarkable peripheral edema;(2)scolex disappearance,enlarged capsular cavity and remarkable peripheral edema during cysticercus degeneration and necrosis;(3)lower signs on T1WI and T2WI and peripheral edema disappearance after the focal calcification;(4)findings shown by the enhanced scanning:strengthened (24/36) or non-strengthened (12/36) cyst-wall circular images;strengthened (22/36) or non-strengthened (14/36) small intracapsular spotty images;(5)cerebral-ventricular type often occurring in the third and fourth ventricles:one case in the third ventricle (1/36) and three cases in the fourth ventricle (3/36),all of suffered from obstructive hydrocephalus;(6)hydrocephalus caused by arachnoid adhesion (2/36) in meningeal type.

结果 脑实质型18例,脑室型4例,脑膜型3例,混合型11例,主要MRI特点:(1)囊虫存活期,病灶呈圆型,多发常见,附壁囊虫头节呈偏心型小点状影,T1WI呈略高信号,T2WI呈中低信号;囊液T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈高信号;在FLAIR上脑脊液呈低信号,而囊液呈相对高信号;周围水肿不明显。(2)囊虫退变坏死期,头节消失,囊腔扩大,周围水肿明显。(3)病灶钙化后,T1WI及T2WI均呈低信号,周围水肿消失。(4)增强扫描表现为:囊壁环状增强(24/36),或不增强(12/36);囊内小点状影增强(22/36),或不增强(14/36)。(5)脑室型:常发生于第三、四脑室,其中第三脑室1例(1/36),第四脑室3例(3/36),均引起阻塞性脑积水。(6)脑膜型:因蛛网膜粘连,而引起脑积水(2/36)。

The artificial flower doctrine that with German botanist Engele is a delegate thinks the flower of angiosperm and gymnospermous ball flower agree completely, every stamen and carpel, be equivalent to a male flower that degrades extremely and female flower respectively, consequently tentative idea angiosperm is to come from child plant hemp is yellow kind yellow Ephedra Campylopoda of curved handle hemp, following plan institute are shown, in this tentative idea, the bud of male flower piece turn into perianth, the bud of female flower piece turn into carpel, the small bud of every male flower piece after disappearing, remain a stamen only, female flower small bud piece ovule is remained only after disappearing, ministry of foundations of move unripe Yu Zi.

以德国植物学家恩格勒为代表的假花学说认为被子植物的花和裸子植物的球花完全一致,每个雄蕊和心皮,分别相当于1个极端退化的雄花和雌花,因而设想被子植物是来自棵子植物麻黄类的弯柄麻黄Ephedra campylopoda,如下图所示,在这个设想里,雄花的苞片变为花被,雌花的苞片变为心皮,每个雄花的小苞片消失后,只剩下一个雄蕊,雌花小苞片消失后只剩下胚珠,着生于子房基部。

And There was no serious complication;②In the course ofinterventional therapy, Direct portal vein angiography demonstrated vena coronaria ventriculi(100%)andgastricveins(65.26%)andvenagastricaposterior38.43%, Angiography demonstrated venacoronariaventriculi communicate esophagus varicose veins, gastric veins and vena gastrica posterior communicategastric varicose veins. vena coronaria ventriculi had only a small percentage of double vein, about30.57%. The sites of vena coronaria ventriculi arising from the portal vein, splenic vein, portosplenic junction, were found in 52.06%、27.39%、20.55% respectively.③12 extrahepaticprotosystemic shunts were found in these patients. Include gastro-nephrosshuntof 3 cases, 7 caseswere splenetic- nephros shunt and 2 cases shown recanalization of umbilical vein .④The averageportal pressure before and after the procedure were 3.87±1.82kPa and 3.64±1.14kPa in 73patients, but to the time of rebleeding, it was 3.96±0.23kPa in the 11 cases.⑤There werethree kinds of variceal outcome: disappearance (54,low degree (19).⑥Spearman logisticanalyse and ANOVAtest shown liver function class, variceal degree of the splenic necrosis area,the blood direction in portal vein before operation and remain small collateral routes were thesignificant factors concerning outcome of varices.⑦The bleeding volume and portalhypertensive gastropathy are main risk factors of rebleeding.⑧The course of livercirrhosis is the risk factor of survival and extrahepatic portosystemic shunt , fine varices are thebeneficial factors to survival.⑨During all cases'followed-up data, the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 yearcumulative survival rates and rebleeding rates were 17.81%, 28.77%, 38.36%, 43.84%, 47.95%and93.15%,91.78%,86.30%,83.56%,80.82%respectively. Conclusion The interventional disconnection treatment for liver cirrhosis and portalhypertension was designed suitability. It rapidlycontrol bleeding,butpressure of portal vein was notobvious high, perfusion was not low .it was compared with surgery therapeutic that interventionaldisconnection treatment was safe and had a significant clinical effect to hemorrhage and preventfrom rebleeding.

结果:①术后一过性发热62例(84.9%),腹痛腹胀48例(65.8%)是介入断流术常见的并发症,未发生严重并发症;②门静脉造影显示胃冠状静脉、胃短静脉和胃后静脉的曲张分流的出现率是100%、65.26%和38.34%;显示食管静脉曲张主要由胃冠状静脉供血,胃静脉曲张主要由胃短静脉和胃后静脉供血;胃冠状静脉大多数为单支,少数为双支,其双支的出现率分别为30.57%;胃冠状静脉开口于门静脉主干的为52.06%,开口于脾静脉主干的为27.39%和开口于门脾静脉交汇处的为20.55%;③发现胃肾分流3例,脾肾分流7例、腹膜后门腔静脉分流2例,以及CTA检查发现脐静脉开放者2例;④73例患者介入断流术前和术后平均自由门静脉压力分别为3.87±1.82kpa和3.64±1.14kpa,前后比较存在显著性差异;11例再次介入手术患者的术前、术后和复发后的自由门静脉压力分别为4.02±0.24kpa、3.82±0.25kpa和3.93±0.23kpa ,前后比较发现首次术前与术后存在显著性差异,首次术前和复发出血术前门静脉压力比较无显著性差异;⑤介入术后复查曲张静脉转归基本消失54例,轻度19例;⑥Spearman相关分析和Logistic多因素回归分析,肝功能分级、静脉曲张程度、门脉血流方向和残存小侧支四个因素对曲张静脉转归有影响;Spearman相关分析和Logistic多因素回归分析门脉高压性胃病和出血量等因素对复发出血时间有影响;⑦COX回归分析,门体分流和曲张静脉转归两个因素对术后生存有影响;⑧术后随访6-70月,1、2、3、4、5年的累计复发出血率和累计生存率分别为17.81%、28.77%、38.36%、43.84%、47.95%和93.15%、91.78%、86.30%、83.56%、80.82%;结论:介入断流术治疗门脉高压食管胃底静脉曲张有独特的优点,可以快速直接控制曲张静脉出血而门静脉压力无显著增高,保证了肝脏灌注;与外科分流术相比适应证广、损伤轻、术后恢复快,不易遗漏曲张静脉;肝功能分级、曲张静脉程度、门脉血流方向和残存侧支血管对食管胃曲张静脉转归有影响;门脉高压性胃病对复发出血时间有影响;门体分流和曲张静脉转归对生存时间有影响。

Strong vicinage effects are found in both the molecule self-energy and stopping power in the early stages of explosions, but they quickly diminish with the increasing dwell time in a manner which depends on the impact molecule speed and its axis orientation.


In addition, the loss of the gray-white differentiation in the cortical ribbon (particularly at the lateral margins of the insula) or the lentiform nucleus and sulcal effacement can often be detected within 6 hours in up to 82% of patients with large-vessel anterior circulation occlusions.


The research which is the important part of the tunable erbium-doped fiber laser is composed of two main parts: 1. the gain part of the tunable erbium-doped fiber laser, which in fact is an erbium-doped fiber amplifier, its output characteristics are discussed both in theory and experiment, and the differences are also discussed between theory and experiment; 2. the saturated absorber part of the tunable erbium-doped fiber laser, also the part to narrow the line width of the fiber laser. The line-width narrowing mechanism in fiber laser induced by unpumped Er-doped fiber is presented from the aspect of coupling wave equation, and the main factor is considered as the standing wave induced by interference. The line-width is narrower when the standing wave is stronger, and the narrowing effect disappears with the disappearance of the standing wave. In the experiment, when adding a Faraday mirror in the laser cavity to remove the standing wave , the narrowing effect disappears. So the theory is proved by the result of the experiment.


Methods Twenty-three cases with rapid atrial fibrillation induced by severe aconitine intoxication were randomly divided into two groups, with 12 in treating group treated by ISHL alone and 11 in controlling group treated by conventional therapy, composed of such measures as gastric lavage and administration of emetics and cathartic.T...

对照组 1 1例给予催吐、洗胃、导泻、输液及抗心律失常治疗;治疗组 1 2例不经催吐、洗胃、导泻等排除毒物处理,给予双黄连注射液静滴。观察两组患者症状缓解时间及症状消失时间,并监测心电图恢复正常时间,比较两组结果的差异。结果治疗组患者症状缓解时间、消失时间及心电图恢复正常时间均明显短于对照组(P 。0 1 )。结论双黄连注射液对于乌头碱中毒所致快速性房颤有特别治疗效果

I don't know if I will still come to taste that cup of bitter but rich espresso. But I do hope if I do come back again, I can find some of those old feelings…at this moment, I am listening to the songs of Sofia Ribeiro

我不知我还会不会再来饮苦郁的咖啡,但我更希望再来时,能找回消失的一些回忆,而此刻,Sofia Ribeiro的歌声响起,世界上有些东西,是不应该消失的…… 2009年4月16日写于我的工作室

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
