- 与 海洋性 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
By using the data sets of the oceanic and atmospheric angular momentum during 1985~1995, the mean energy of the oceanic and atmospheric excitation in Chandler wobble band is estimated and compared with that of the geodetically observed excitation.
The chain-forming dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum was only one species in Gymnodinoid known that produces paralytic shellfish poison which had a negative impact on marin environment,aquaculture and human health.
Wu Jie does not idle, he integrates the 12 abalone farmers in capital and technology advantages, the Czech Republic was set up in Fuzhou Feng Seafood Development Co., Ltd., and Xiamen University, College of Oceanic and environmental cooperation, the introduction of abalone in Japan and the West's original abalone Haliotis hybridization temperature to produce good, strong disease-resistant varieties of the new "building on the 1st Czech Republic," and "Feng Jie One", so that the survival rate of abalone 90%.
Following aspects are specially discussed:(1) In-situ study on the mechanism and the rate determining step of corrosion processes at the interface between metal and corrosion media;(2) Reliability of structures in corrosive environment;(3) In-situ non-destruction corrosion inspection, evaluation, repair and maintenance of engineering structures;(4) A new approach for material selection-life cycle costs, LCC;(5) Terotechnology;(6) Corrosion protection and environmental protection;(7) microbiologically influenced corrosion;(8) Computer aided design of corrosion protection;(9) Corrosion and protection of reinforced concrete structures;(10) Corrosion and protection of marine structures;(11) New development of coating and corrosion inhibitor etc.
The tissue hyperplasia was significantly inhibited and primary and secondary symptoms of adjuvant-induced arthritis were significantly alleviated in Mytilus crassitesta lipid extract treatment group compared with vegetable oil group.
A goby fish with brilliant orange streaks stands out on a bit of gray bubble coral in Maumere Bay off Indonesias Flores Island. In most of the ocean, turbid or murky waters force creatures to use nonvisual means of communication—smell, taste, touch, and sound. But in the clear, sunlit waters of coral reefs, light abounds, vision predominates, and animals drape themselves in blazing color.
goby鱼艳橙条纹脱颖而出就有点灰色泡沫珊瑚maumere湾小康印度尼西亚的 S弗洛雷斯岛,在大部分的海洋,混浊或浑水武力的动物,使用nonvisual的通信手段-嗅觉,味觉,触觉以及良好的,但在明确的,受阳光照射水域的珊瑚礁,轻比比皆是,视觉占主导地位,与动物的悬垂性,在自己的创新色彩。
There are obvious syntrophic effets between marine OHCBs Alcanivorax and Marinobacter strains in the oil biodegradation process, which could not only accelerate the oil biodegradation, but also decompose thoroughly the more ecotoxic high molecular weight compounds in crude oil.
The tripolar structure SST anomalies over the North Atlantic, which also appears at the interannual scale with a spectral peak at 3—4 years, are mainly resulted from the barotropic driving of the NAO like atmospheric forcing, and thermal process plays a dominantrole in this process. When the NAO is strong, the westerly weakens over the midlat itudes; both the sensible and the latent heat flux release from the ocean tend to decrease, which warms the ocean and leads to positive SST anomalies. Over the sub polar region including the Labrador Sea, a stronger NAO is associated with a deeper Icelandic Low; the high latitudes originated colder air then blows over the ocean surface, the air-sea temperature difference become larger, and the se n sible heat flux loss from the ocean increases, which subsequently leads to colder SST anomalies.
分析表明,模式中三核型SST异常的产生,主要来自大气的强迫,NAO增强,中纬度大洋上的西风减弱,海洋感热和潜热通量损失减少,中纬度大洋得到的净热通量增加,导致SST出现正距平;在包括Labrador 海在内的副极地大洋,NAO增强、冰岛低压加深,气旋性环流增强,来自高纬度的冷空气吹过洋面,海气温差加大,大洋的感热通量损失增加,SST降低。
The discovery of the evidences for unequable climate affords precious data for the unequablity of the Cretaceous climate from continent center at mid-low latitudes which is a great supplement to the previous indirect data mainly from continental margin and oceans at mid-high latitudes.
Zostera marina L .is a marine higher angiosperm, which lives in the sea water with the salinity of 600mmol/L. Its salt-tolerance is obvious and therefore Zostera marina L .
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