英语人>网络例句>海军 相关的搜索结果


与 海军 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A royal ordinance erected Angouleme into a naval school; for the Duc d'Angouleme, being lord high admiral, it was evident that the city of Angouleme had all the qualities of a seaport; otherwise the monarchical principle would have received a wound.


Last month, at the grave of her husband, Micheal, a CIA officer and Marine who died in Mazar-e Sharif, Shannon Spann said these words of farewell:"Semper Fi, my love."


A Navy and Marine honor detail, led by Sergeant Major William Skiles, carries Major Douglas A. Zembiec into the U.S. Naval Academy Chapel in Annapolis, Md..

陆战队和海军的护灵队伍,由William Skiles军士长率领,将Zembiec的灵柩抬到海军军官学校的小教堂中。

Colonel Bryan Salas, public affairs officer for the U.S. Marine Corps, accused Avatar of taking "sophomoric shots at our military culture" and stereotyping members of the Marines.


The Townshend Acts were so unpopular in Boston that customs officials requested naval and military assistance. Commodore Samuel Hood complied by sending the fifty-gun warship HMS Romney, which arrived in Boston Harbor in May 1768.[5] On June 10, 1768, customs officials seized the Liberty, a sloop owned by leading Boston merchant John Hancock, on allegations that the ship had been involved in smuggling. Bostonians, already angry because the captain of the Romney had been impressing local sailors, began to riot. Customs officials fled to Castle William for protection.

由於汤森法案在波士顿的抗议声不断,海关官员於是向英国要求增援更多的海军陆军来协助,海军准将Samuel Hood得知消息后,派遣配备50支炮管的HMS Romney军舰前往协助,该军舰并於1768年五月抵达波士顿海港。1768年6月10日,海关以走私罪名逮捕了一艘名为the Liberty的单桅帆船,船长名为John Hancock,一位在波士顿占有重要地位的商人,最后,因为HMS Romney军舰的船长强迫当地水手转来为他自己的军舰工作,使得波士顿人们终於忍无可忍开始暴动,让波士顿的海关人员逃往威廉城堡避难。

So many young and old navy gather in Triumphal arch on that day and they are very friendly to take pic with me.


Changed some Radio Communications between Marines and Azreal to more accurately reflect the USMC.

增加了海军陆战队和 Azreal 之间的无线电通讯从而更加真实的反映美国海军陆战队情况。

In the course of that investigation, the Navy decided to charge my best friend, Petty Officer 1st Class Jennifer Valdivia, a 27-year-old Sailor of the in Year and secondcommand of my unit, for failing to put an end to my chief's tyranny.


Under the separate command of Vice- Admiral F.


An admiral junior to a vice admiral .


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John Robbins lives with his family in Santa Cruz, California.


The international background is mainly the economic ties among different nations tented to be widen and deepen at the peace and development times.


Brian:Ever since I met you, I've been undercover. I'm a cop.
