英语人>网络例句>浪费时间的 相关的搜索结果


与 浪费时间的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

BACKGROUND: Total knee arthroplasty is associated with considerable postoperative pain, which, if unrelieved, may result in prolonged hospital stay, inability to participate in rehabilitation programs, poor outcomes, and greater use of healthcare resources.


If the work you do does not result in an uptick in one or more of those Big Three Goals, then you are wasting your time and spinning your wheels.


Instead of idling hours away in the price speculation, we should rather pragmatically engage ourselves to building a city well-conditioned for residence in line with the fundamental law of urban development.


But his well-cut suit, his two-tone shirt, his solid gold cufflinks, his heavy, premium wristwatch, his don'twaste- my-time stare, all say: I've been the boss for 17 years.


I was inspired to expand on this topic and build this list because of a post by Andrew Bolis from Personal Hack who wrote that the biggest productivity tip is elimination .


Unless most subsidies for renewables are phased out once a cap-and-trade system is in place, says Paul Bledsoe, a former adviser on energy to the Clinton administration, they risk creating a boondoggle akin to the proliferation of incentives for corn ethanol.

克林顿政府时期的一名能源顾问 Paul Bledsoe 表示,除非在限额交易体系实行之时,可再生能源获得的补贴也逐步消除,否则后果将会与猛增玉米乙醇刺激措施的结果相似,都是在做浪费时间金钱的无用功。

Don't bother your boss if he is on phone or is elbows deep inwork, and try to solve the problem if you can solve ityourself.


Dont bother your boss if he is on phone or is elbows deep inwork, and try to solve the problem if you can solve ityourself.


You let students learn nothing, you wasted their time, but maybe because your examination paper were too eazy to fail, so your scorse is not the least one.


If you want to be the member of this barber shop, you have to make an apply first. 2. he got fired, but he went to night school as remedy. 3. when simmon became able to explain complex thoughts, he was on the top of the world 4. in normal condition, this report should be finished in 2 hours 5. everyone wants to make the right choice in life so that the time will not be wasted

每句句子必须包含给的关键词 1 如果你想成为这个美发厅的会员,你必须先申请 2 他失业了,但是他作为补救,他去夜校学习 3 当Simmon能用英语表达复杂想法时,他高兴到了极点 4 在正常的条件下,两小时就能写完这份报告 5 每个人都想在生活中作出正确的选择以免浪费宝贵的时间速度速度速度 Quickly

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I bought a nice wrist watch as a surprise for my wife's birthday.


We don t expect students to be sponges. You can t expect to absorb everything and not have any questions to ask.


He built the "airport for no one"—a boondoggle that made his commute to Washington, DC, a lot easier but was otherwise a huge waste of money.
