英语人>网络例句>浪费时间的 相关的搜索结果


与 浪费时间的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The mistake is getting too caught up in precision and rigor when they are not needed


On the other hand, it is self-evidently time-consuming, and often inhibits students.


On the other hand, it is self-evidently time-consuming, and frequently inhibits students.


So you go on and stump your form,sonny,and stop wasting my time.


B:You wouldn't have a real 32-sized spanner would you? like the dwarf's in the garden? A:You know that's all we have here and anyway you are wasting your time it will never work.....

A:你知道那是我们在这里的仅有的东西了,而且不管怎样你是在浪费你的时间因为你所做的根本就不起作用…… B:我们至少应该再试一次?

Our materials are clear, direct and deal immediately with the most important part of the subject. no time-wasting!


Or, better still, make use of the options available on most anti-virus softwarethat will help you eliminate time-wasting emails.


Unless most subsidies for renewables are phased out once a cap-and-trade system is in place, says Paul Bledsoe, a former adviser on energy to the Clinton administration, they risk creating a boondoggle akin to the proliferation of incentives for corn ethanol.

Paul Bledsoe表示,除非在限额交易体系实行之时,可再生能源获得的补贴也逐步消除,否则后果将会与猛增玉米乙醇刺激措施的结果相似,都是在做浪费时间金钱的无用功。

Even though it's sounds like a joke , i don't care , i have nothing to do for my sake . Since i have retured form school , everthing sames normal and boring , i haven't found the meaningful thing to do , except sleeping , playing , thinking and so on , untill now i still haven't find the definet result what i really want . I want to read book try to improve my basic acknowlege , i want to write a some stories , i want to find a job to earn money , i want to buy a cameral , i want to meet my old friends and have party with them and so on .


Yes, on the 1st and all month long, your thoughts, feelings, communications and experiences are delectably to the point. You don't waste time on trifles, and you don't get bogged down in negativity.


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I bought a nice wrist watch as a surprise for my wife's birthday.


We don t expect students to be sponges. You can t expect to absorb everything and not have any questions to ask.


He built the "airport for no one"—a boondoggle that made his commute to Washington, DC, a lot easier but was otherwise a huge waste of money.
