英语人>网络例句>浓厚的 相关的搜索结果


与 浓厚的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this article, will introduce the "southbound in mind," reflected by the strong regional culture, including Yunnan on the geographical characteristics of the character traits of the people in Yunnan; Aiwu, in this work reflected in the political arena of the world.


It would perhaps not be correct to say that the Durian is the best of all fruits, because it cannot supply the place of subacid juicy fruits such as the orange, grape, mango, and mangosteen, whose refreshing and cooling qualities are so grateful; but as producing a food of the most exquisite flavour it is unsurpassed.


Although this culture has dense mystery because of its archetype, it makes Chinese culture extensive and makes it has the strong ability of comprehension, which determines the wideness and illusion of Chinese culture and the beauty that does not exit in Western culture.


There are many new election methods during the investigation of election methods. But all kinds of election methods, seeing from the election system itself, all value the candidate individual character and follow the traditional political principle "choose wise raise ability", but their common weakness is that they all neglect the importance of the whole function, and can't resolve the strong limitation by the agrestic culture.


The CPR shouldered the task of Canadianization of Western Canada and monopolized the Western exploitation. In order to carry out the National Policy and achieve the dream of founding an independent nation in North America, the regional interest of Western Canada had been subdued to the "interest of the Dominion."


Rows of thick sand on top of that Casuarina was Qinglie the wind to your wish, not, breathing sound, and its echo is mixed with sadness and bitterness of the silence as an implicit Yunzhao hidden bitterness.


LI Bihua who owns many years of the empirical background to dramatize has the very strong silver consciousness of "write for the silver screen", because of this its novel have the special and strong photoplay feature: First, a painting montage of environment describing; Second, the person depiction of manuscript turns; Thrid, the details structure is enantiomorphous; Fourth, the descriptive language can be seen and felt, which is also concise and comprehensive.


The Voice of "Mists of Avalon"- brings haunting melodies, lush cinematic production - journeying from mystical etheria to the dark ancient longings of the soul - with a touch of the Celt.


The Voice of "Mists of Avalon"- brings haunting melodies, lush cinematic production - journeying from mystical etheria to the dark ancient longings of the soul - with a touch of the Celt.


When first time of my elder sister lets me use computer, I generated grumous interest to its, the pron any thing that I like can be found on Internet, I feel Internet is exceedingly convenient. 2000 when I saw a lot of beautiful individual homepages, I also want to have a webpage that belongs to my at that time, but restrict because of economic condition, I just realized this dream to 01 years.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
