英语人>网络例句>浑身湿透了 相关的搜索结果


与 浑身湿透了 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Neither was this all; for my goods being all English manufacture,such as cloths, stuffs, baize, and things particularly valuable anddesirable in the country, I found means to sell them to a verygreat advantage; so that I might say I had more than four times thevalue of my first cargo, and was now infinitely beyond my poorneighbour - I mean in the advancement of my plantation; for thefirst thing I did, I bought me a negro slave, and an Europeanservant also - I mean another besides that which the captainbrought me from Lisbon.


Ben was drench ed to the skin. But he kept on walking


I was caught in a shower on my way home and was drenched to the skin.


The gray-haired woman interrupted him and said, Saul, the poor boy is completely wet and he's probably hungry.

" 白发老太太打断了他的话说:"索尔,这可怜的孩子浑身都湿透了,他很可能饿了。

I'm soaked to the skin, just let me in.


Ken kicked his sopping clothing toward a bench by the wall and moved to the pool, but Princess grabbed his arm.


The sopping Condor started pulling off his wet clothing--he also had swim shorts on beneath his jeans.


We were caught in a sudden shower of rain and soaked to the skin.


After I had solac'd my Mind with the comfortable Part of my Condition, I began to look round me to see what kind of Place I was in, and what was next to be done, and I soon found my Comforts abate, and that in a word I had a dreadful Deliverance: For I was wet, had no Clothes to shift me, nor any thing either to eat or drink to comfort me, neither did I see any Prospect before me, but that of perishing with Hunger, or being devour'd by wild Beasts; and that which was particularly afflicting to me, was, that I had no Weapon either to hunt and kill any Creature for my Sustenance, or to defend my self against any other Creature that might desire to kill me for theirs: In a Word, I had nothing about me but a Knife, a Tobacco-pipe, and a little Tobacco in a Box, this was all my Provision, and this threw me into terrible Agonies of Mind, that for a while I run about like a Mad-man; Night coming upon me, I began with a heavy Heart to consider what would be my Lot if there were any ravenous Beasts in that Country, seeing at Night they always come abroad for their Prey.


Then, three years ago, on a night very like tonight, the Prime Minister had been alone in his office when the portrait had once again announced the imminent arrival of Fudge, who had burst out of the fireplace, sopping wet and in a state of considerable panic.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
