英语人>网络例句>流感的 相关的搜索结果


与 流感的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Methods According to the weekly influenzalike illness consultation rate of fourteen sentinel hospitals in Guangdong province from 2004 to 2006,the surveillance data of 2007 were fitted into models for early warning of inflecenza with three methods including control chart method,historical limit method and exponentially weighted moving average method.


They should also remember that, even if this flu turns out to be less frightening than feared, it is only a matter of time before a deadlier one comes along.


The swine flu that spread at Fort Dix was the H1N1 strain.

在Fort Dix传播的是H1N1型猪流感毒株,与导致灾难性瘟疫的1918-1919年流感相同,那场灾难夺走了上千万人的生命。

This age distribution and obviously different from seasonal influenza, seasonal influenza is about 90% of severe cases and deaths occurred in ≥ 65 years of age.


Methods All H5A1 sequence in NCBI genhank and influenza se- quence database were downloaded and aligned, then fast maximizing likelihood method was applied to construct phylogenetic tree, and SRDT model was used to estimate evolution rate and ancestral date for tree branches.

方法下载NCBI Genbank和美国洛斯阿莫斯国家实验室流感病毒数据库中全部的甲型流感病毒H5A1序列,采用快速极大似然法绘制进化树,并用SRDT模型估计各分枝的进化速度与出现时间。

With the help of latest developed bioinformatics tools, all available Influenza H5A1 strains were explored to deeply under stand their evolution tendency. Methods All H5A1 sequence in NCBI genbank and influenza sequence database were downloaded and aligned, then fast maximizing likelihood method was applied to construct phylogenetic tree, and SRDT model was used to estimate evolution rate and ancestral date for tree branches.

下载NCBI Genbank和美国洛斯阿莫斯国家实验室流感病毒数据库中全部的甲型流感病毒H5A1序列,采用快速极大似然法绘制进化树,并用SRDT模型估计各分枝的进化速度与出现时间。

Virus isolates have been sent to the WHO Collaborating Centers for Reference and Research on Influenza for sequencing and antigenic makeup characterising to update the diagnostic reagents available for National Influenza Centers .


A four-year-old boy in Veracruz state who was sick and tested positive for the virus is believed to be the earliest-known victim of the outbreak.

墨西哥韦拉克鲁斯州被检测出猪流感病毒呈阳性的一名 4 岁男童被认为是已知猪流感疫情爆发后最先染病的受害者。

A four-year-old boy in Veracruz state who was sick and tested positive for the virus is believed to be the earliest-known victim of the outbreak.

墨西哥韦拉克鲁斯州被检测出猪流感病毒呈阳性的一名 4 岁男童被认為是已知猪流感疫情爆发后最先染病的受害者。

Japan's current treatment of influenza drug Relenza in addition, there are more widely used Tamiflu and so on, are taking unusual actions were reported.


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We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
