英语人>网络例句>流感的 相关的搜索结果


与 流感的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

An estimated three to six shifts occurred in the 18th century, four in the 19th, and three in the 20th: the 1918 pandemic, the 1957 Asian flu and the 1968 Hong Kong flu.


The important thing for people to appreciate is when we go back to seasonal influenza, it won't necessarily be the same seasonal influenza as we've had in the past," Dr. Angus Nicoll, the ECDC's influenza coordinator, said in an interview."We may have to change who gets vaccinated.

人们需要认识到的重要一点是,季节性流感卷土重来时,其表现不一定与我们过去经历的季节性流感相同,"流感协调员Angus Nicoll博士在一次受访中说,"我们也许会被迫改变接种疫苗的对象。

To observe the antiviral activity of Algefacient and anti-inflammatory against influenza virus, cell culture technique was used in MDCK cells to get virus inhibitory rate and virus titer by MTT assay and hemagglitination test. Influenza virus infection model was established in mice, to observe the protection effect to mice death, the inhibitory effect to pulmonary index and pulmonary virus titer.


Dr. Benito-Fernandez and colleagues at the Hospital de Cruces, Bizkaia, Spain, and colleagues assessed the impact of introducing rapid iral testing for influenza into the routine protocol for the management of febrile infants with no signs of focal infection during influenza season.

西班牙De Cruce医院的Benito-Fernandez博士和他的同事评估了将流感快速病毒检测引入流感季节没有典型体征的发热婴儿的常规处置治疗方案。作者报道,流感检测在206例发热婴儿中阳性率达40.7%。

In a seasonal epidemic, it can spread worldwide and lead to a huge impact on the economy and society. The global burden of inter-pandemic influenza may be on the order of 1 billion cases, including 3~5 million cases of severe illness and 300,000~500,000 deaths annually. Vaccination is considered the most effective and cost-effective method to lower the mortality and morbidity associated with influenza.The use of continuous cell lines for influenza virus antigen production can be considered an attractive alternative to embryonated chicken eggs for several reasons. Firstly, influenza viruses propagated in animal cells usually resemble the original isolate more closely than do viruses propagated in eggs.


With a new H1N1 influenza virus spreading around the world, governments in many countries have revived advertisements entreating people to observe personal hygiene.


Results The cytopathic effect induced by influenza virus was inhibited remarkedly,with IC50 of 3.33 mg raw material/ml and TI of 7.48. At the dose of 8~20g raw material/kg body weight,pneumonia induced by influenza virus in mice was inhibited significantly by the water extract.The survival rate was increased remarkedly. Conclusion The water extract from Pitecollobium clypearia Benth.

结果 猴耳环水提取物在体外对流感病毒引起的细胞病变有明显抑制作用,其IC50生药为3.33mg/ml,TI为7.48;在给生药药剂量为8~20g/kg时,对流感病毒所致的小鼠肺部炎症有明显抑制作用,并能明显降低流感病毒感染小鼠的死亡率和延长其存活时间。

Richt contends that the viruses jumped from birds to people and transformed inside their new hosts, or that they jumped from birds to a mammal, such as pigs, where they shuffled their genes and formed new flu viruses.


There is an H1N1 human strain in this year's shot, and all H1N1 flus are descendants of the 1918 pandemic strain.


Moreover, in order to make clear whether IV infection touches off the cause and its pathogenesis of artherosclerosis inflammatory reaction. The study also uses IV of type A1 and A3 to infect repeatedly Jimpy mice with E gene defect, to observe AS histology change of Jimpy mice aorta and detect the change of IV antibody and inflammatory reaction medium (eg.TNF-α, IL-1) in Jimpy mice serum and express of monocyte chemotactic factor( MCF-1) and nuclear factor kB in Jimpy mice aorta tissue .


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
