英语人>网络例句>流感的 相关的搜索结果


与 流感的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mexican Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova Villalobos says the government does not have enough health workers to visit the families of every victim, but he says there is enough medicine available to treat flu victims.


Wikipedia 是这么定义的: Acute viral rhinopharyngitis, or acute coryza , usually known as the common cold , is a highly contagious, viral infectious disease of the upper respiratory system , primarily caused by picornaviruses or coronaviruses .


The Fort Dix outbreak may have been caused by introduction of an animal virus into a stressed human population in close contact in crowded facilities during the winter.


Unfortunately, swine flu's infectiousness and the globalized flow of human travel make for a very dangerous combination.


Smithfield issued a press release on Saturday stating that "it has found no clinical signs or symptoms of the presence of swine influenza in the company's swine herd or its employees at its joint ventures in Mexico."


The disease most people in the United States and worldwide know as "swine flu" is actually a combination of human and animal strains and has not been shown to be transmissible through eating pork.


It also became apparent that the new virus contains bits and pieces derived from avian and human strains of influenza, as well as porcine ones, further muddying its origins.


Occurrence of air-borne infectious diseases, such as some areas in the world of the swine flu epidemic, the need for patients to live, work and activities of the establishments have timely air disinfection, diagnosis and treatment of air-borne infectious diseases from time to time to place the air disinfection.


We opened the campus radio, teacher Zhan Ming-ying, and broadcasters, correspondents dedicated the beautiful audio-visual works with perseverance to everyone; we have compiled and published our own newspaper,"Journal of LQ Middle School"; our blackboard newspaper, and cultural fields are more standardized and regular ; we have organized the celebration of "Women's Day" and Teacher's Day, We organized faculty members to go out for inspection, carried out teachers and staffs Red song concerts; we held exchange activitives with No.5 Middle School of Anqing, Changling secondary schools, Taihu Dashi secondary school, LQ primary school, Bohu primary school; we held a school-based training courseware, organized all the teachers listened to local experts, Yang Jiedong's thematic reports, teacher Wei Shusheng's video report, organized the head teachers to listen to the national top video of the head teacher report , organized the teacher to Nanjing and Shanghai and Anqing Teachers College in groups for refresher training, seriously at all levels of teaching and research activities; officially formed a faculty basketball team and on behalf of LQ village took part in the county's National Day competition; teacher Zhu Hongmin and Xu Chunming represented our school to take part in "springs Cup" Table Tennis competition; we brought in the dance team of the county college for the old to perform; we held the graduation ceremony of the 2009 session; we hold regularly the reading and speaking contest for students, the English showing, the teachers Courseware competition, young and middle-class high-quality math and English classes Contest quality; we hold table tennis competition, successfully held the second session of the school track and field sports; General League branch, and students' union held activities to commemorate the earthquake in Wenchuan and commemorate teacher Li Jinhua , has organized fund-raising activities for many times; branch of the Praty, Representatives of the staffs, General branch of the League, and students union held a successful general election; Organized CDC of county and township hospitals for free medical examinations for students, extensively carried out the publicity of combating TB and the prevention and control and we have safely passed in 2009!


"Based on what we currently know about influenza, well-fitted N95 respirators offer health care workers the best protection against inhalation of viral particles," said Kenneth Shine, chair of the committee that wrote the report, in an IOM news release.

在IOM的新闻发布会上,负责起草该报告的委员会主席Kenneth Shine先生说,&基于我们对流感的现有了解,为防止病原微生物颗粒经呼吸道吸入,使用经过适合性检验的N95防护口罩可以给医护人员提供最好的保护。&

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
