英语人>网络例句>洞 相关的搜索结果

与 洞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You can do this by holding the guitar flat on its back, with the sound hole facing upward.


Beyond those feckless, flouncing crowds, in the wider world he surveyed as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he blocked aid from going down "foreign rat holes" and resisted for years paying money that was owed to the United Nations.


A man tried to cover a hole in his sack of maize flour he received at a food relief distribution center in Rutshuru, near Goma, in eastern Congo.

刚果, 鲁丘鲁:一名男子正用手盖住装玉米面的麻袋上的,这玉米面还是他从食品救济中心得来的呢。

Why, then is my pump well flowered.


The water drained out of the flowerpot through the hole in the bottom.


Hole 7 par4: A short par4 of which its' first tee shot shall fly over 2 bunkers block the fairway. Long and narrow shape make the green look much smaller than it actually is.


Columbia was destroyed during re-entry in 2003 because of a hole in its wing, left there by flyaway foam at liftoff.


On this morning of the Great Snow,perchance, which is still raging and chilling men's blood, I bear the muffled tone of their engine bell from out the fog bank of their chilled breath, which announces that the cars are coming, without long delay, notwithstanding the veto of a New England northeast snow-storm, and I behold the plowmen covered with snow and rime,their heads peering, above the mould-board which is turning down other than daisies and the nests of field mice, like bowlders of the Sierra Nevada, that occupy an outside place in the universe.


On this morning of the great snow , perchance , which is still raging and chilling men ' s blood , i bear the muffled tone of their engine bell from out the fog bank of their chilled breath , which announces that the cars are coming , without long delay , notwithstanding the veto of a new england northeast snow - storm , and i behold the plowmen covered with snow and rime , their heads peering , above the mould - board which is turning down other than daisies and the nests of field mice , like bowlders of the sierra nevada , that occupy an outside place in the universe


Another technique is to fold the tube back on itself inside the tire so the hole is covered.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
