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与 洞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The kind-hearted field mouse found her and took her in. The thumb girl spent the endless winter in the cave.


Through the Tontso fieldwork and research, it is concluded that


What?It cost you one thousand dollars to fill a hollow tooth?


Towering in close symmetry, these basalt columns near Fingal's Cave form the base of the Scottish island of Staffa.


Patrick s purgatory , the salmon leap , maynooth college refectory , curley s hole , the three birthplaces of the first duke of wellington , the rock of cashel , the bog of allen , the henry street warehouse , fingal s cave - all these moving scenes are still there for us today rendered more beautiful still by the waters of sorrow which have passed over them and by the rich incrustations of time

二湖谷,基拉尼那些可爱的湖泊,克朗麦克诺伊斯487的废墟,康大寺院,衣纳格峡谷和十二山丘,爱尔兰之眼488 ,塔拉特的绿色丘陵,克罗阿帕特里克山489 ,阿瑟吉尼斯父子股份有限公司的酿酒厂,拉夫尼格湖畔,奥沃卡峡谷490 ,伊索德塔,玛帕斯方尖塔491 ,圣帕特里克邓恩爵士医院492 ,克利尔岬角,阿赫尔罗峡谷493 ,林奇城堡,苏格兰屋,拉夫林斯顿的拉思唐联合贫民习艺所494 ,图拉莫尔监狱,卡斯尔克尼尔瀑布, 495市镇树林约翰之子教堂496 ,莫纳斯特尔勃衣斯的十字架,朱里饭店,圣帕特里克的炼狱, 497鲑鱼飞跃,梅努斯学院饭厅,柯利穴, 498第一任威灵顿公爵的三个诞生地,卡舍尔岩石, 499艾伦沼泽,亨利街批发庄,芬戈尔500所有这一切动人的501情景今天依然为我们而存在。

Patrick's Purgatory, the Salmon Leap, Maynooth college refectory, Curley's hole, the three birthplaces of the first duke of Wellington, the rock of Cashel, the bog of Allen, the Henry Street Warehouse, Fingal's Cave-all these moving scenes are still there for us today rendered more beautiful still by the waters of sorrow which have passed over them and by the rich incrustations of time.


His finger got stuck in the hole.


He hangs up and puts his finger over the hole in the mattress.


I will bite it, pinch it, put my finger Chrysanthemum your hole, gently caress.


You might be curious about why the Tarati prefer people to stick their finger through a hole just to dial.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
