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与 注重... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Xie Juezai transferred ancient topics of "running routine by one s own" and " asking others to work " into modern language fitting the context of time and environment as routinism and bureaucratism, at the same time, he combined the idea closely with the leadership style of that time, so to reflect and develop political and legal tradition systematically with reality.


I plant rubber products development, focus on quality, service integration, to meet customer demand.


Health workers in Health 8 areas have much rational change in concept, knowledge, and behavior on use of drugs. 76.88 percent of investigated people have rational concept, 85.95 percent of investigated have rational knowledge and 73.42 percent of investigated pay more attention to RUD.


Zhou Hongchun thinks that the new strategy should pay attention to regional, the area Rusher to Middle Asian had rich oil and gas resource, especially, Kazakhstan is the way China enterprise to develop oil in Caspian Sea, and Kazakhstan also has meaning to cooperation, we should treasure it.


Chapter 18 deals with the sacredness of people and relationships.


I'm very safety conscious.


In fact, from Wahaha management systems and practice, we can see that the management strategy: First, to implement a win-win aggregators institutional, Wahaha in China's 31 provinces to strictly selected more than 1,000 dealers, formed covering nearly Every town in China a joint marketing system, and use margin approach to building confidence between the parties, this approach dramatically changed the Wahaha trade forms of organization, Wahaha's chairman and general manager Zong said that this organizational form of "aggregators body"; Second, the implementation of differential pricing system, Wahaha's existing sales network of the company itself, a special dealer, special two dealers, secondary dealers, three dealers, retail terminals, and strict price control system; 3, comprehensive incentives, Wahaha's rebate is not a single incentive sales rebate of such direct incentive, but rather to include a variety of promotions and other indirect incentives, including a comprehensive incentive measures; 5, strict accountability and developed a regional strict reward and punishment system, Wahaha and dealer signed a contract to the authorized dealers to strictly limit the sale of the area to prevent the dealer cross-regional sales in order to strictly protect the dealers around the interests; 6, and distributors to establish deep feelings, Wahaha and distributors Once the partnership working to develop a long-term strategic partner; 7, emphasis on marketing, team building, Wahaha throughout the country only more than 3000 sales staff Why so few sales staff can help the company to complete more than 32.5 billion yuan in annual sales, which Wahaha focus on team-building and marketing are inseparable.


We make emphasis on new product's researching and take the strategy of saling in domestic and abroad.


While other beauty centres work on the outward aspects of women, my vision is to work on the inner sanctum.


Careful investigations show that the place names in this area are closely related with morphological form of rivers, coast, plain and sand banks; and the distribution of these names mirrors ...


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。