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与 注重... 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In breeding and cultivating high yield C. pepo in sunlit greenhouse, emphasis should be placed on the construction of plant type with over 12 functional leaves, average leaf area of 700~800 cm^2, average internode length of approximately 3.3 cm and upper leaf angle of 45°~66°.


In breeding and cultivating high yield C. pepo in sunlit greenhouse, emphasis should be placed on the construction of plant type with over 12 functional leaves, average leaf area of 700~800 cm2, average internode length of approximately 3.3 cm and upper leaf angle of 45°~66°.

在日光温室高产西葫芦育种和栽培中,要注重构建功能叶片数达12片以上、平均叶面积达700~800 cm2、节间长平均在3.3 cm左右、上层叶倾角在45°~66°之间的株型,以获得较高产量。

She's quite perceptive, and pays great attention to detail.


Ways have been put up to deal with the situation mentioned above in a big way : devoting much attention to the reading and accumulating in primary school , arousing the interest of the students in reading , lay stress on developing the habit of reading ; showing the students the reading method and technique ; creating student - centered reading teaching ; training their perceptivity and thinking ; giving elective courses , making a good job of reading after class ; guiding them to bring the advantage of regional culture into full play , reading more after class ; changing the idea of reading of the whole society to form a good atmosphere


Attention to detail and overall the perfect combination of space, and tea culture into the wedding ceremony.


According to a questionnaire issued by the Hunan Normal University athletes CHOOSE parade the status of sport injury, injury causes, preventive measures were discussed, mainly come to the following conclusions:① CHOOSE parade of the athletes sports injuries are more common, the rate of injuries 88% of the injury concentrated in the wrist position and thighs of 35.84%; waist accounted for 16.98 percent, 15.09 percent of the knee, shoulder or 11.32 percent, accounting for 9.43 percent of ankle, elbow or 7.54 percent, abdomen, accounting for 3.79%② CHOOSE Exercises for the main types of injury ligament injury, accounting for 33.96 percent; joint injury, accounting for 16.98 percent; muscle sprain, accounting for 15.09 percent; contusion, accounting for 11.32 percent; periostitis, accounting for 9.43%; tenosynovitis, accounting for 7.54 % bursitis, accounting for 3.77%; fracture, or 1.88 percent ③ CHOOSE Exercises injury in the course divided into acute injury and chronic injuries, mainly to acute injury.

根据所发放的运动员问卷对湖南师范大学啦啦操运动员运动损伤的现状、损伤成因、预防对策进行了探讨,主要得出以下结论:①啦啦操运动员运动损伤的情况较为普遍,伤病率达88%;损伤的部位集中在手腕关节和大腿占35.84%;腰部占16.98%,膝关节占15.09%,肩关节占11.32%,踝关节占9.43%,肘部占7.54%,腹部,占3.79%②啦啦操运动损伤的种类主要为韧带拉伤,占33.96 %;关节损伤,占16.98%;肌肉扭伤,占15.09%;挫伤,占11.32%;骨膜炎,占9.43%;腱鞘炎,占7.54%;滑囊炎,占3.77%;骨折,占1.88%③啦啦操运动损伤的病程分为急性损伤和慢性损伤,以急性损伤为主④啦啦操运动损伤的时间主要集中在10一12月份,1一3月份⑤啦啦操运动员运动损伤的预防对策主要包括:注重体能训练提高体能储备、合理安排训练内容和负荷、加强身体全面训练和易伤部位练习的实效性训练、重视运动技术的分析和研究、重视训练后的恢复措施、加强医务监督提高自我保护、重视训练后的放松运动。

Special notice with production central processing unit peripheral equipment expands series is concerned do the computer transverse and compositive change.


It lays stress on the permeation of study and practice as well as knowledge and ability.


Society of the future will be more challenges and opportunities of the community, we should pay attention to their full development, if necessary, equal emphasis on individual skills and personal self-cultivation, in the groups also should have the spirit of win-win situation.


Society of the future will be more challenges and opportunities of the community, we should pay attention to their own comprehensive development of the necessary skills equal emphasis on individuality and personal self-cultivation, in the groups also should have the spirit of win-win situation.


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You need to lie low for a while.


If you do, you may just be pleasantly surprised.


The philosophy of mathematics overlaps with metaphysics because some positions are realistic in the sense that they hold that mathematical objects really exist, whether transcendentally, physically, or mentally.

哲学的数学与形而上学的重叠,因为有些职位是现实的意义上,他们认为,数学物体真的存在,是否transcendentally ,身体或精神。