英语人>网络例句>注定的 相关的搜索结果


与 注定的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Classic in the former days will coruscate fresh fashionable charm and fashion at present is destined to be the classic never being faded away in the future.


Then Priam, descendant of Dardanus, spoke, saying,"Hear me, Trojans and Achaeans, I will now go back to the wind-beaten city of Ilius: I dare not with my own eyes witness this fight between my son and Menelaus, for Jove and the other immortals alone know which shall fall."


Paradoxically enough, without having perception of it, the humanism takes the classic world as a model, whilst the bourgeois society of '400 was destined to decadency.


Solidify in each race hard such as under the circumstance of huge rock, three demagogy raids of influences would be certain to encounter cast off of each clan people and the enemy's abruption sabotages to destine to want to thoroughly fail.


Because we belong to two different world, she is only child, suffered as a result of doting parents, she is doomed to the fate of the princess, and I, but with him just a knight.


In these four years, we have been touched by tragedy, exhilarated by challenge, strengthened by achievement.


Going on, as we do, obsessively trying to improve our conditions, can become an end in itself, and a pointless distraction. Would people in their right mind think of fastidiously redecorating their hotel room every time they checked in to one?


Leaves of the season, is destined will remind you of nostalgia, yearning to wear whisk in the glabella, it seems autumn into the heart, I Rouchang 100 knots, feeling depressed, full of sadness, that a small station such as the lotus figure you swaying in my mind the wind Ying Ying in passing, rise into the distance your direction, any thoughts fly with the fog filled the wound ......


Thus the Orks make remarkable progress by trial and error, without counting the cost, while other races steeped in high-flown philosophy simply fall into the same traps time and again, doomed to stagnate and decline.


Lupus prevailed upon Attila to spare the province of Champagne, and gave himself as a hostage while the Hunnish army remained in Gaul; when Rome seemed destined to meet the fate of the Lombard cities which Attila had pillaged, it was Pope Leo the Great who, by his eloquence and commanding personality, overawed the conqueror and saved the city.

在特瓦鲁,St。 Lupus以自己为人质,成功劝服阿堤拉让匈奴军队停在高卢,从而使香巴尼免遭一劫。当罗马似乎注定要遭受曾被阿堤拉掠夺过的伦巴城市相同的命运时,是伟大的教皇Leo以其雄辩之才和令人肃然起敬的品格威震住了征服者,挽救了这座城市。

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It was Napoleon, the immense somnambulist of this dream which had crumbled, essaying once more to advance.


This method alleviates the highly dependent on domain knowledge experts. The quality and efficiency of the KBS were improved.


Imperialism doesn't exist any more, and now there are only capitalism and socialism in the world.
