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与 注定的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So that---let us say it again---no dying Chaldee or Greek had higher and holier thoughts than those, whose mysterious shades you saw creeping over the face of poor Queequeg, as he quietly lay in his swaying hammock, and the rolling sea seemed gently rocking him to his final rest, and the ocean's invisible flood-tide lifted him higher and higher towards his destined heaven.


The infinite deviousness of "the ruling classes" and the immense difficulty of the left's task are a given in these halls. In 2004, Solnit published a much-praised book, Hope in the Dark: the Untold History of People Power, challenging the instinctive pessimism of many leftists.


As an impressionable teenager when this film was first released, I was stunned by Lawrence's courage and unselfishness in going back into the hell of the Nefud to attempt to find a man he hardly knew among the vast expanse of a fiery terrain and I was so moved by the sense of purpose of a man who is determined to take nothing as "written" but to shape his own destiny.


Such destiny allows a woman namely or argute chicanery but do not admit to be no good, in the hesitation shadow of city of a certain night, in the backside of crimson red liquid of a certain cold goblet, be in a certain times below the umbrella of wet loneliness, the woman of different face conceives worry each, look up at happiness, that hale stallion drive wind with the fated perhaps prince of white horse of prince of a dark horse that awaits oneself and face.


Then also, with a Taoistic touch, beautiful and talented girls suffering a harsh fate are regarded as "fallen fairies," punished for having mortal thoughts or some neglect of duty in heaven and sent down to this earth to live through a predestined fate of mortal sufferings.


Three perfume love, two people's blood of the vine, doomed people will be together, no one can stop, she can miss, and this is marriage ...... standing in the crabapple tree to spend a beautiful youth, will use its own love for life to the interpretation of "marriage" is defined as ...... I will be in ancient time, the silently waiting for you, my lover of Aurora.


Alas! the sincerity of my return to virture appeared to promise a different destiny; but my own was already written and begun, and at the moment when my heart, full of love ofr all that was good and honourable, saw nothing butinnocence and happiness before it, I was approaching the fatal moment which was destined to drag behind it the long chain of my misfortunes.


The infinite deviousness of "the ruling classes" and the immense difficulty of the left's task are a given in these halls. In 2004, Solnit published a much-praised book, Hope in the Dark: the Untold History of People Power, challenging the instinctive pessimism of many leftists.


Filming hand-held, guerrilla style, on location, Boyle conveys the the beauty and extremes of India–from dilapidated Mumbai shantytowns and endless garbage-strewn landfills to exhilarating train journeys and colorful mass riverside laundrettes– in an intimate way.


The same is true of the numerous predestined who, though outside the pale of the true Church of Christ, yet depart from this life in the state of grace as catechumens, Protestants in good faith, schismatics, Jews, Mahommedans, and pagans.

同样如此众多的命中注定的人,虽然外面苍白的真正基督的教会,但偏离这项生活中的状态,宽限期为慕道者,新教徒诚意, schismatics ,犹太人, mahommedans ,和异教徒。

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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
