英语人>网络例句>法院 相关的搜索结果


与 法院 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Includes food deficit countries with per caput annual income below the level used by the World Bank to determine eligibility for IDA assistance (ieUS$ 1 575 in 2004), which is in accordance with the guidelines and criteria agreed to by the CFA should be given priority in the allocation of food aid.

六,包括粮食短缺的国家,每头每年的收入水平低使用由世界银行,以确定是否有资格为国际开发协会援助( ieus 一五七五美元在2004年),这是按照准则和标准所同意终审法院应考虑优先编配的粮食援助。

Then with statistical analysis of the range of self-incriminating cases, the results of the first instance, the judicial organization of the first instance, the surrogate and advocacy of the first instance and of the second instance, I found, in practice, the self-incriminating cases have the following characteristics: The range of self-incriminating cases is small which mainly focus on 10 imputations; no public prosecution into private prosecution; the verdicts still lie a very important position, among which are lots of guilty verdicts; intermediation is the main way in ending a case, however, the intermediation system is not normative in practice; the cases of defendants escape is increasing, as a result, the suspension of private prosecution is also increasing; the court more depend on collegial bench, and less summary procedure; the party make less use of the system of surrogate and advocacy; the methods of processing mode are flexible in the second instance, etc.


With the ever-increasing federal court caseload, delays are inevitable.


Be worth what carry is, american confederative Court of Cassation is right Microsoft the adjudication of one case is apropos happen to have the same view with the conclusion of the article.


No proofs are admissible on cassation - the facts must be taken sa already found –and the court has only two options:it must either affirm or annul.

没有证明在毁弃上是可容许的-事实一定被拿已经被发现的 sa-和法院只有二选项:它一定断言或废除。

Everybody of copyright of some of court decision of Court of Cassation can pass through software can pass through software freedom or mode of accredit of open source code is issued, but still can ask user must certain clause just can use comply with at commercial use.


What is more ,while England itself substituted for those forms of recourse a procedure of appeal in the nineteenth century ,reserving a procedure analogous to cassation for limited class of case including , most importantly, recourse against the decisions of administrative authorities or tribunals ,in the United States of America the older English forms of recourse-including what is actually now called an 'appeal'to a 'Court of Appeals'-have been developed rather than replaced:for the purposes of this chapter ,therefore ,the American appeal is treated as a form of cassation rather than of appeal.

更多是什么,当英国本身在十九世纪中为依赖的那些表格替换了一个诉愿的程序时候,保留为最重要地包括对抗管理主管当局的决定的依赖或者法官席的情形的有限制班级就像是毁弃的一个程序,在美国的美国依赖的较年长的英文表格-包括什么现在实际上被称为'appeal'to 一'诉愿法院的-已经被发展而不愿代替了:为了这一个章节,因此,美国诉愿被当做一种毁弃的形式不愿诉愿。

Mr. Visschers, who held a high position in the Government of the King of the Belgians, stated that in his experience three men convicted of murder appealed to the Court of Cassation, when the conviction was confirmed. The King, however, commuted their sentence into one of perpetual imprisonment; but their innocence being afterwards established, they were liberated, and granted annuities for life.

在比利时王国担任高官的 Visschers 先生说到,在他的生涯中,有三个因为谋杀定罪的人上诉到上诉法院,并被维持原判,但是国王把他们减为终生监禁,后来,他们却被证明为无罪释放,并获得终生养老金的补偿。

Added of the factorials of the jurisprudence, he is fee recommend to the court of cassation and eminent teacher of the university the pantheon Sorbonne.

Together: to join 法學院,這是一個名譽顧問最高法院和大學名譽教授先賢祠-索邦大學。

With the tentative CAW agreement announced, the ball is now in the UAW's court.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
