英语人>网络例句>法院 相关的搜索结果


与 法院 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Some of the local courts that emerged in the eastern regions of the caliphate are especially associated with the rise of an Islamic Persian literature and Iranian national sentiment.


The political fragmentation of the caliphate led to the emergence of many local courts and centers of power, which also encouraged the development of science and philosophy as well as poetry and prose, art, and architecture.


Of course, this does not mean that the police cannot call a halt to a meeting which though originally


Of course, this does not mean that the police cannot call a halt to a meeting wh


XX Wang and Yun Chen face charges alleging fraud in relation to immigration matters. They will next appear in the Auckland District Court on 5 November 2004, for a call-over.

ANYING董事長Yun Chen 以及另一人面臨被指控与移民欺詐案有關,該案將于二零零四年十一月五日在奧克蘭法院開庭審理。

Guangzhou million water caltrop that they have been waiting for the book is the decision of the Court.


Bury yourself in Fig Tree Court, with no company but my dogs and canaries!


In the restraining order, he also asked for protection for his wife, Candace, and four children.


His new position was not an easy one, placed as he was in the midst of an upstart metropolis, half Western, half Oriental, in the neighbourhood of a court in which luxury and intrigue always played the most prominent parts, and at the head of the clergy composed of most heterogeneous elements, and even (if not canonically, at least practically) at the head of the whole Byzantine episcopate.

他的新职务是不容易的,放在他的是在复杂多变的一个暴发户大都市,有一半西方,东方的一半,在附近的一家法院,其中奢侈品和阴谋一直扮演着最突出的部分,在总的神职人员组成的最异质元素,甚至(如不canonically ,至少几乎)在头部的整个拜占庭主教。

During Tuesday's hearing at the Tribunal of Naples, the prosecution led by Giuseppe Narducci and Stefano Capuano lodged an appeal with the court to obtain the transmission of the 'Matrix' programme in which Moggi spoke about the SIM card allegations.

在那不勒斯法院周二的庭审中,由Giuseppe Narducci 和Stefano Capuano组成的检查官团队正式向法庭提交了要求获取莫吉有关其国外SIM卡"网络"的通话记录。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
