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与 法坦 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Publisher Stanley Rinehart, who in 1946 had split with John Farrar, dropped Brinig from Rinehart's list.


Starting in terms of plural method, this paper points out the limitations of rational methods, and take an analysis on the significance of non-rational method. It introduces the 'trial and error method' of Popper, the 'radiative thinking' of Kuhn, the 'Gestalt psychology' of Wittgenstein and some other methods in science innovation.


And discussed with more than division, irreducible polynomial discriminant method of application of Eisenstein; and detailed description of the number of polynomials, the same polynomial, polynomial arithmetic.


King Tut's buck-toothed face has been unveiled for the first time in more than 3, 000 years.


Sylla signalised his reconstitution of the republic by the Leges Corneliae; Julius Caesar contemplated vast additions to the Statute Law. Augustus caused to be passed the all-important group of Leges Juliae; and among later emperors the most active promulgators of constitutions are princes who, like Constantine, have the concerns of the world to readjust.


Bernstein type theorem; Quaternion Euclidean space; minimal Lagrangian graphs; Twisted special Lagrangian submanifold; twisted normal bundle; Austere submanifolds; Real space form; Complex space form; Hamiltonian minimal submanifold; A Lagrangian submanifold with conformal Maslov form

基础科学,数学,几何、拓扑伯恩斯坦型定理;四元数欧氏空间;极小拉格朗日图;扭曲特殊拉格朗日子流形;扭曲法丛; Austere子流形;实空间形式;复空间形式;哈密尔顿极小子流形;具有共形Maslov形式的拉格朗日子流形

This paper by Eisenstein and Criterion On a few of the conclusions presented several integer coefficients irreducible polynomials way of judging, but the discussion of not more than four times the whole of the polynomial coefficients can be about issues, by some three to four times the entire polynomial coefficient about the summary judgment method.


The division with surplus, the comprehensive division and Eisenstein Test applications on polynomial that can not be divided are mainly discussed; the sufficient condition of that polynomial with coefficient being integer has no integer root, that cubic polynomial with coefficient being integer is irreducible in rational domain and that polynomial with coefficient being integer has not two completely same roots are summed up.


You'll have to break away from the creature dwelling in the cellar in a wild chariot chase, reanimate Frankenstein's monster to help you out, or even find the key to leave the mansion in a somewhat rigged game of three-card monte.


Safar had told me that it was almost unknown for a Turcoman family to yield its daughter to a Russian man.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
